My Breed

Find breed-specific info here…from Akitas to Yorkies

There is no standard definition for what constitutes adog breed.” Some people might consider any type of purebred dog to be a breed, while others might only consider those dogs that are recognized by major kennel clubs, such as the American Kennel Club or the United Kennel Club, to be breeds. There are also many mixedbreed dogs that could be considered their own unique breed. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide what they consider to be a dog breed. Just a short video showing some of the things little Sadie learned while here. She knows her name, knows what “no” means (for chewing the wrong thing), learned how to be comfortable in her crate and sleep all night long. She got a good headstart on potty training, walking nicely on a leash, and
Gabe is Michelle and Mike’s youngest dog, and he’s having a tough time teething. In this piece, Michelle passes on some of her tips on caring for your English Cocker Spaniel puppy, including during teething. She begins by reminding us that very young puppies may not recognise their own names, so don’t be surprised if
▶ Watch more cute Puppies compilations! 🔔 Subscribe to Cutest Puppies City to see the worlds cutest animals and babies! Note: Clips featured in our compilations are used with permission from the original creators. If you’ve got an adorable video you want to see featured in our next compilation, please send us your
“ How to Take Care of Chihuahua Dogs ” is a very common question that concerns a chihuahua owner. Chihuahuas are high-maintenance pets that need proper care to stay healthy and happy. Therefore, we have rounded up all the basic care steps of chihuahua dogs that you need to know. ———————————————————————————————————————— Video You May Like:
This post may contain affiliate links. We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post. If you are in the market for a medium-sized dog breed that is full of energy and loves to bounce around, then the Boxer may be for you! However, before diving right in to picking out
This post may contain affiliate links. We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post. Watching your Golden chase its own tail, bark at a wall, or scarf down their food until they throw up only to do it again might make you wonder, ‘How smart is my Golden Retriever?’ Even
German shepherds shed all year long. While their shedding is heavier in the spring and fall, cats may and will shed their undercoat throughout the year. If you don’t want to deal with shedding, a German shepherd might not be the best choice. This breed loses a lot of fur, so anticipate your home to
🎥 PREVIOUS VIDEO: 🔥 Stay tuned in our Community: For thousands of years, humans have been tinkering with the health of dogs. From pointy-eared, sharp-faced wolf-like ancestors, we’ve shaped generations of canines into distinct breeds with unique features such as flat faces, stumpy legs, and long silken hair. But all that low-tech genetic
To keep the lights on, we receive affiliate commissions via some of our links. Our review process. A Cesarean, or C-section, can be a lifesaving procedure for the mother and her litter of pups. Unfortunately, C-sections are expensive and they have associated risks, including bleeding, infection, anesthesia complications, and the surgery itself. These risks can