Walking the Walk: Celebrating National Dog Walker Appreciation Day

Dog Training

National Dog Walker Appreciation Day is a day to celebrate and thank the hardworking people who take care of our furry friends. Dogs aren’t just pets, they’re members of our families. 

And when we’re away at work, the responsibility to make sure they’re healthy and happy often falls to our dog walkers.

These unsung heroes are the ones who take our furry friends for walks every day. Rain or shine, they make sure our fur babies get the exercise and stimulation they need. 

This day gives us a chance to show our appreciation for dog walkers’ important work. 

Let’s discuss why National Dog Walker Appreciation Day is important, why we should celebrate and thank these hardworking people, and how we can do it.

When is National Dog Walker Appreciation Day?

The holiday is celebrated every year in the United States on September 8. 

It gives dog owners and people who love animals a chance to thank dog walkers for their hard work and dedication. It was started by Wag!, a company that provides on-demand dog walking services.

According to Jason Meltzer, co-founder, and chief dog officer at Wag!, “Picking up poop is just one part of a dog walker’s job — and it’s the easiest part of this business. But everyone has a special story about the dog walker who rushed across town to let the dog out when its owner got stuck at work or who watered the plants, fed the fish, and watched the house while the family was away on vacation. Dog walkers go above and beyond the call of duty every day, yet, most people have no idea how demanding the job is. National Dog Walker Appreciation Day gives walkers the long overdue spotlight they’ve earned.”

Dog walkers are unsung heroes in the world of pet care. 

They are important for making sure that our dogs get the exercise, stimulation, and socialization they need to stay healthy and happy. 

We usually have busy lives, making it hard to walk our pets as often as we should. 

Dog walkers help us with this. This gives us peace of mind that our pets are well cared for.

Who Are Dog Walkers and Why Are They Important

Dog walkers get paid to take dogs on walks, play with them, and keep them healthy and happy while we’re busy with our work and personal lives. 

These people often work for pet care services or run their own businesses. Here’s why dog walkers are important in our dogs’ lives.

Exercise for our Dogs

One of the main reasons why dog walkers are so important is that many dog owners are too busy to take their dogs out for walks as often as they should. 

Dogs need regular exercise to keep their bodies and minds healthy. If they don’t exercise enough, they may gain weight, get sick, or become anxious and restless.

Here’s where dog walkers come in. Dog walkers do a very important job by taking dogs for walks and making sure they get the exercise they need.

Regular exercise keeps our dogs in good shape, keeps their weight in check, and keeps their joints and muscles in good shape. 

Walking is also a great way to keep their cardiovascular system in good shape, which can help prevent many health problems, including:

  • Obesity: Dogs can stay active and burn calories by going for walks, which can help keep them from getting fat. Obese dogs can develop several health problems, such as joint problems, diabetes, and heart disease.
  • Joint problems: Regular walking can help improve our fur babies’ joint health, strengthen muscles, and improve flexibility. It can also help manage joint problems by reducing inflammation and increasing blood flow to affected areas.
  • Digestive problems: Walking can stimulate digestion and help prevent digestive problems like constipation and bloating. The gentle movement of walking can also help alleviate gastrointestinal disorders like inflammatory bowel disease symptoms.
  • Behavioral problems: Dogs that don’t get enough exercise or mental stimulation may become anxious, restless, and prone to destructive behaviors. Regular walks give dogs a way to use up their extra energy, lower their anxiety, and prevent behavioral problems.
  • Cardiovascular disease: Walking is a great way for dogs to keep their heart and lungs healthy. This can make their heart stronger, lower blood pressure, and lower the risk of heart disease.
  • Respiratory problems: Walking can help improve respiratory health by increasing lung capacity and oxygen intake. It can also help manage respiratory problems by reducing inflammation and improving overall fitness.

Learn more about the best ways to exercise your dog.

Socialization for our Dogs

Dog walkers also give dogs a chance to meet new people. Dogs are social animals that need to be around other dogs and people to be happy and healthy. 

Our fur babies get to meet and play with other dogs through dog walkers. This keeps our furry pups from getting bored or lonely. 

This can also help dogs feel less anxious and less likely to become aggressive. Dogs can become well-adjusted, confident, and happy pets by being exposed to new things and people regularly.

Mental Health for our Dogs

Dog walkers are very important to the mental health of our dogs. Like us, our dogs can feel stress, anxiety, and depression. 

Lack of physical activity, social interaction, and mental stimulation can cause health and behavior problems for them, too.

Dog walkers give dogs a chance to go outside, get some exercise, and explore new places, which can help them feel less stressed and anxious. 

They also help dogs get to know and play with other dogs, boosting their confidence and making them feel less lonely.

Learn how long you should play with your puppies each day to keep them mentally stimulated.

Celebrating Dog Walkers: Here’s How to Do It

National Dog Walker’s Day is a great chance to thank dog walkers for their hard work and dedication. Thank your dog walkers by trying some of our suggestions:

Say Thank You

A simple ‘Thank You’ can go a long way to brightening up your dog walker’s day. 

These two simple words carry a lot of weight and help make them feel appreciated. Thanking your dog walker should not only happen on this special day. 

Be sure to thank them every day and let them know how much you appreciate them.

Give your Dog Walker a Day Off

You can show your dog walker how much you appreciate the hard work they do by giving them a day off. 

Walking dogs can be physically demanding, and many dog walkers work long hours to ensure their furry clients get the exercise and attention they need. 

A day off can give them a chance to relax, recharge, and spend time with their own pets or loved ones.

If you decide to give your dog walker a day off, there are a few things you can do to make sure your dog still gets the exercise and attention they need. 

You can walk your dog yourself. This can be a great way for you and your furry friend to spend time together. 

You could also ask a family member or friend to walk your dog, or you could hire someone else for the day to do it if you are busy.

If you want to give your dog walker a day off, you should talk to them ahead of time. 

Tell them you appreciate their hard work and want to give them a break. Ask if there are any specific days that would work best for them. 

Make plans for your dog’s care in advance, so they don’t have to go without exercise or attention during your dog walker’s day off.

Take Your Dog Walker out for Coffee or Lunch

Taking your dog walker out for a meal or a cup of coffee is a great way of showing gratitude and getting to know each other.

Follow these tips to make your lunch out or coffee date more convenient:

  • Pick a place that works well for both of you: Think about a restaurant or café near your home or where your dog walker usually walks. This can help both of you get there faster and easier.
  • Treat your dog walker: Offer to pay for your dog walker’s meal or coffee to thank them for all their hard work. This can make them feel appreciated and valued.
  • Get to know your dog walker: Take the chance to ask your dog walker about their background, interests, and experiences as a dog walker. This can help you get to know them better and see things from their point of view.

Spread the Awareness About the Importance of Dog Walkers

Many people need to realize how important dog walkers are to dogs and their owners. Teaching people about the benefits of dog walking can help bring more attention to and respect for the job.

You can spread awareness by doing the following:

  • Share information on social media: Use your social media accounts to talk about the benefits of dog walking. You can post photos or videos of your dog and their walker, or you can share this article and other resources about how important it is to walk your dog.
  • Tell friends and family: Take the chance to tell your friends and family about the perks of dog walking and the important role that dog walkers play in your fur babies’ lives.
  • Support local dog walkers: If you know a local dog walker, show your support by recommending them to friends and family or leaving positive reviews on their social media or business pages.

Give Your Dog Walker a Gift

Gifts are a great way to express your gratitude. You can find some good gift options for your dog walker below.

Best Gifts for Your Dog Walker

‘I Let The Dogs Out’ T-Shirt

I Let The Dogs Out | Funny Dog Walker Joke Pet Owner Humor Men Women T-Shirt-(Adult,L) Vintage Grey

This is a good gift for a dog walker who has a sense of humor and enjoys witty or humorous clothing.

The t-shirt could help the dog walker start a conversation and be proud of what they do. It could also make them feel seen and show them that their work is important.

Dog Walkers Rock Oval Magnet

Dog Walkers Rock Oval Magnet

This cute magnet is a simple and kind way to thank your dog walker for all of their hard work.  Small tokens of appreciation like this magnet can go a long way toward making someone feel appreciated.

Dog Sitter Keychain

Lywjyb Birdgot Dog Sitter ky (Dog Sitter ky)

This keychain can serve as a daily reminder for your dog walker that you appreciate them. 

It is also a practical gift that they can use daily to hold their keys, which can be a helpful tool for their work.

Remember that sometimes your dog walker might appreciate a bonus, a thoughtful note, or a day off even more than gifts. You can ask your dog walker if they’d rather receive a gift instead. 

How To Choose the Right Dog Walker

If you don’t have a dog walker yet and you’re considering hiring one, then you should know how to choose a good one.

Follow these tips and suggestions on how to find a good dog walker:

  • Ask for recommendations: If you have friends, family, or neighbors who have dogs, ask them if they know a good dog walker. Referrals from people you know and trust can be a great way to find a reliable and trustworthy dog walker.
  • Do online research: Use Yelp or Google reviews to find dog walking services in your area. Look for companies and individuals that have high ratings and good reviews.
  • Check qualifications: Make sure they have experience and the right qualifications, such as pet first aid training or certifications. You may also want to ask if they have worked with dogs about the same age, size, or personality as yours.
  • Set up a time to meet and greet: Meet the dog walker in person to learn more about them and see how they treat your dog. Ask them about their experience and qualifications, and watch how they treat your dog while you meet them.
  • Ask for references: Ask them for references from other clients they’ve worked with. You can call these people to find out more about their dependability, trustworthiness, and quality of service.

What Qualities Should You Look for in a Dog Walker

Naturally, you’d want to look at their qualities, too. Look for the following qualities in a dog walker:

  • Experience: When searching for a dog walker, look for someone who has previous experience working with dogs, preferably dogs that have personalities, ages, and sizes that are similar to your own dog.
  • Trustworthiness: The person you hire to walk your dog will have access to your home and your pet, so you want to make sure they are reliable and have a good track record. You can find this out by calling references and reading reviews about the dog walker you plan to hire.
  • Communication skills: The dog walker should have good communication skills and keep you updated on your dog’s walks, behavior, and any problems that may come up.
  • Patience: You should also consider your dog walker’s patience. They should have plenty of patience and be able to deal with a wide variety of canine personalities and behaviors.
  • Positive reinforcement training: Look for a dog walker who uses techniques that reinforce good behavior and prevent misbehavior. Positive reinforcement training is a humane and effective way to train your dog. It’s also a great way to help your dog develop a good relationship with their dog walker and make walks more fun for them.

As a society, we should thank dog walkers and understand how important they are to us. 

Tell your dog walker how much you appreciate them this National Dog Walker’s Day. 
Learn about all the other pet holidays you should celebrate this year.

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