00:00 Intro
02:12 Building speed to behaviors using toys to train
07:26 Drop reliably when tugging
14:15 Using a toy to train a sequence of behaviors
22:06 Build confidence
30:13 Build confidence with objects
34:14 Teach your dog to do more than one behavior before a treat
43:08 Teach your puppy to be a genius
48:57 Adding a verbal cue – down and spin as examples
01:02:56 Building Duration to a stay
01:11:24 Adding distractions
01:19:31 Adding Distance
01:27:03 Teach your dog to listen to you when you don’t have anything they want
Dog training tutorial for teaching Drop it and get it- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVivnOwiMoA&t=0s
Proofing drop and get it with a fun game- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4X3CWS-M60
Thanks so much for watching! Happy Training!