Precision heeling – hand at waist and increasing speed

Dog Training

I do the majority of my precision heeling training at a very slow pace.  The reason is precision – I want to see exactly what my dog is doing and speed masks errors.  Competition is another matter; move fast and keep the judge busy controlling you rather than counting up those exact errors I just mentioned :).

What you’ll see here is refining precision heeling. My movements are slow and controlled and in that fashion, I am able to see what he does or does not know.

The video is subtitled and should answer your questions about what I am doing.  The focus is hand at my waist, rear-end control, reward placement to prevent forging and the start of an increase in pace and speed changes.

A quick head’s up:  In the next week or so, I will opening my new business, The High Drive Dog.  This will be a subscription service priced at $9.95 a month, and will offer a few things to you:

  1. Approximately 40 days straight of edited and subtitled videos, explaining my process for working on Dice’s overarousal and reactive behavior.  While still a work in progress, those 40 days will give you a very good idea of the path that I took for him – both what went well and…not so much.
  2. All of my Instagram and Facebook lives over the past few months, detailing out my thoughts on a wide range of topics, from general concepts like “Choosing between patterns or unpredictable work” to the basics of learning theory.  The overall theme is working with the individual dog in front of you.  Those videos will include the question and answer period as brought to me by the audience
  3. Both edited and unedited training videos of my dog Dice – starting in the past month or so.  Those will be added a few times a week.
  4.   All of the puppy videos of Dice’s training will be uploaded (unedited) from the time he came home, but those will not be there initially. Those videos are being run through a video editing program that provides the ability to search WITHIN a video; a nifty way to see my progression with a given skill over time.
  5. We’ll have two forums, one for “Dogs with Big Feelings” and a second for “High Drive Dogs” in general.  This will be a place to chat with the community about what is or is not working for you with your own dog, and to receive support in your process.
  6. Random Q and A opportunities with me.
  7. Whatever else looks interesting over time.  This subscription service will be a “work in progress” for people who are serious about learning more about their high drive dog and who want to explore excellent training with commitment.

If this interests you, make sure you are subscribed to this blog because I will announce the opening of this program here.  More information, including a subscription link, will be released very soon to this mailing list!  And of course, feel free to let others know about this upcoming program if you think it will be of interest to them.

Another sidenote:  Follow me on Instagram if you wish to see many of these videos in real-time or participate live.  My IG accounts are @Denise_Fenzi for all things generic about training dogs and @TheHighDriveDog for those matters which are more specific to High Drive Dogs.  On The High Drive Dog account, I also show live and unedited training videos with Dice.  For example, today will be a shaping session in my house around the topic of retrieve.)

Regardless, you will find these training bits on the new High Drive Dog program, so feel free to skip the Social Media world altogether if you wish.

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