Humans and animals have mutual needs. That’s why the Animal Rescue Foundation’s mission is People Rescuing Animals and Animals Rescuing People. This organization rescues homeless, abandoned, and abused animals and trains them to be excellent companions to new guardians. Learn more about the Animal Rescue Foundation. Find out how they started and how you can
Small rescue centers can make the most significant differences when it comes to animal rescue. Despite limited resources, their passion and courage keep them fighting for these furry friends’ lives. Canine Estates, a non-profit animal sanctuary run by three retired sisters, is one of these organizations.  Discover who Canine Estates is and their current advocacies.
Do you have an old dog? What do you find the most challenging issue when taking care of your older dog? Emily discusses issues such as incontinence, managing an old dogs behaviors, as well as meeting the dogs physical and psychological needs. #dogtraining #professionaldogtraining #dogtrainer
Dog vomiting isn’t pleasant for anyone. But you can manage treatment at home with natural home remedies. Vomiting vs Regurgitation In Dogs To treat dog vomiting, you need to know the difference between a dog vomiting and regurgitating. Regurgitation is when undigested food comes back up into the mouth from the esophagus. This happens when
Most pets can’t read (though I’m convinced my two dogs can or they wouldn’t play tug-o-war with the morning paper every time I forget to put it out of reach). That means that our best friends rely on us to keep them safe. If you’re reading this post, you’re likely one of the select few
You might think your dog’s crusty nose or flaky paws are just a result of environmental dryness. But it might be a condition known as hyperkeratosis in dogs. What Is Hyperkeratosis? Keratin is a protein in the outer coating of the skin, hair and nails. It’s a tough, fibrous protein that your dog makes naturally
There are a lot of reasons to choose a prepared raw dog food. They’re convenient and they’re usually balanced. But don’t let that fool you into thinking that all raw dog food brands are high quality.  There are some tricks raw foods use to fool you into thinking the food is better than it is.
Watch me take an untrained dog and train her to listen, ‘sit’ and even ‘lay down’ using ONLY positive reinforcement training techniques! FOLLOW MY JOURNEY HERE:… — Thank you for watching this video!! I hope that you enjoy the training tips I post on the channel, subscribe, and share your learnings with those that