Don’t trying to mess with these dog – Funny Dog Reaction
The North American Bat Conservation Alliance says more than half of the continent’s 154 known bat species could face “severe population decline” over the next 15 years, putting agriculture and ecosystem relationships at risk. White-nose syndrome has devastated bat populations since 2006, and forest fragmentation and climate change are further stressing the animals, but scientists
This short video is about a pet parent whom I’m Telling him how to care his new puppy.
Our fur baby, Z, showing off some of her mad skillz. What should we teach her next?
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ROSCO GETS NEUTERED | What to Expect After Your Dog is Fixed ——– Today’s video is filmed in more of a vlog style, documenting Rosco’s recovery after he’s been neutered. We forgot to mention this in the video, but Rosco is 7 months at the time of his surgery. Hopefully this video was entertaining and/or
National Dog Photography Day is a great holiday to celebrate. We, as fur parents, love taking photos of our fur babies, so it only makes sense to celebrate. Learn when this holiday started, how you can become a pro at taking photos of your dogs, and why it’s important to celebrate this holiday. When is
National Dog Walker Appreciation Day is a day to celebrate and thank the hardworking people who take care of our furry friends. Dogs aren’t just pets, they’re members of our families. And when we’re away at work, the responsibility to make sure they’re healthy and happy often falls to our dog walkers. These unsung heroes
We’re very excited to share this holiday with you. It’s a fun one that celebrates our furry Schnauzer friends. Let’s explore the history of National Schnauzer Day and provide some fun ideas on celebrating this special day with your furry friend. We’ll also take a closer look at the Miniature, Standard, and Giant Schnauzer breeds
National Pug Day is a special occasion dedicated to celebrating the lovable and irresistibly charming pug breed. Learn about how you can celebrate National Pug Day, the origins of pugs, how to care for and train them, and what makes them incredible family pets. When Is National Pug Day National Pug Day is celebrated every
Let’s face it, our dogs do a lot for us, and we might not even realize it. Personally, I know my fur babies have helped me overcome so much. They have helped me see through difficult personal problems and have always been there by my side. This is why I’m happy to find out that
Rough week, and now my computer is freezing up. My long-planned next post is delayed yet again, because I need to “put the oxygen mask on first.” (ie, take care of myself.) The snowdrop flowers below have lived through down pouring rains, sleet, hail, numerous snows, and 16 degree nights. Tiny white jewels of inspiration.
Cookies! Praise! Belly Rubs! Using positive reinforcement feels so easy, and is such a great way to have a healthy and happy relationship with your dog. The research is overwhelming that training with R+ builds trust, reduces stress, and is effective at teaching new and desired behaviors. And. Yet. There are plenty of pitfalls to
Keep the Tail Wagging is supported by pet parents. I occasionally earn a commission (at no additional cost to you) when you click through an affiliate link to one of my favorite products. Thank you for your support. Read More When I began my raw feeding journey, it never occurred to me to find a
Keep the Tail Wagging is supported by pet parents. I occasionally earn a commission (at no additional cost to you) when you click through an affiliate link to one of my favorite products. Thank you for your support. Read More Making homemade jerky treats is a great way to ensure your dog gets a delicious
Keep the Tail Wagging is supported by pet parents. I occasionally earn a commission (at no additional cost to you) when you click through an affiliate link to one of my favorite products. Thank you for your support. Read More I recently began consuming a teaspoon of MCT oil with my morning tea. I’m also
Keep the Tail Wagging is supported by pet parents. I occasionally earn a commission (at no additional cost to you) when you click through an affiliate link to one of my favorite products. Thank you for your support. Read More I have been raw feeding for the past ten years and got my start by
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