Officer Adopts Distressed Dog Stranded In Hot Car For Hours

Dog News

About a month ago, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) responded to a call about a dog trapped in a hot car. At the time, they suspected that the dog had been stranded in the vehicle for over two hours. After further research, the ASPCA announced that they believe the dog was actually in the car for 24 hours.

The outside temperature was in the mid-80s that day, which can reach over 100 degrees in a parked vehicle in just ten minutes. The dog would’ve perished if people hadn’t expressed concern for him. His recovery was long, but now, he has found his happily ever after.

American Eskimo Dog face

Fighting for His Life

Several caring New Yorkers called the police when they spotted a fluffy white dog in a hot car. The car was off, and the windows were closed with the dog trapped inside, wearing a leash.

Members of the NYPD 19th Precinct gathered around the car and recorded the rescue as it was happening. One officer broke the glass on the passenger window and reached in to unlock the car. The car alarm went off for a few seconds but then stopped as the officer opened one of the back doors to get to the dog.

Rescued dog in car

“Yesterday’s afternoon temps hovered in the mid 80’s & on an 85° day, it only takes 10 mins for the inside of a car to reach a deadly 102°! It’s prohibited to leave an animal unattended in a car under these dangerous conditions—thankfully the pup was rescued & is being cared for,” the NYPD 19th Precinct wrote on Twitter.

The officers brought the dog to the ASPCA Animal Recovery Center in Manhattan. He spent a month there receiving medical and behavioral treatment. Then, he was ready for adoption.

Officer Adopts Dog

The dog, who is an American Eskimo Dog now known as Snow, found his perfect family right away. Officer Aruna Maharaj with the NYPD fell in love with Snow during the rescue, so she kept in touch with the ASPCA during his recovery.

“From the moment Officer Maharaj was involved in this case, she knew Snow was special,” the ASPCA said. “She immediately brought him into her car with the air conditioner blasting, where he sat on her lap, licked her face, and wouldn’t move from her company.”

Officer petting rescued dog

Officer Maharaj officially adopted Snow once he went through all his necessary care. Snow has adjusted well to his new family and even gets along with his new cat sibling. He loves having a large yard to run around in, and he walks to the park with his family regularly. He’s living the dream!

The NYPD hasn’t mentioned anything about Snow’s previous owner, but hopefully, they’ve been punished for leaving Snow to die in that hot car. No dog deserves to go through that.

Officer hugging American Eskimo Dog

Featured Image: Twitter

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