Man Leaves Dog At Shelter When Landlord Says “Give Up Your Pit Bull Or You’re Out”

Dog News

There are times that we need to make very difficult decisions in life. This story contains a story where a man had a choice between his home or his dog. This is their story. 

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For a man, named Lewis Jiminez, he understands this lesson all too well. Lewis had no choice but to take his best friend, a Pit Bull named Titus, whom he adored, back to the shelter where he adopted him. Lewis wasn’t surrendering Titus or turning his back on him. This story isn’t about that at all!

Back when Titus was only 2 years old, Lewis came to the Austin, Texas shelter and fell in love with the handsome, sweet Pit Bull when he saw him playing in the yard, jumping about. He couldn’t resist the dog’s happy and sweet demeanor.

For the next 5 years, the duo was inseparable. They developed a deep bond that would last a lifetime. For Lewis, Titus was family. Lewis said, “He’s like my big old kid. He’s part of me.” But then the unthinkable happened. Something that forced the duo to separate.

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Lewis was told he couldn’t keep Titus. The management company of his building told Lewis he had to get rid of his Pit Bull or he would be evicted. Lewis had nowhere else to go! And he had no friends or family who could take care of Titus until he found a new place to live. Lewis became desperate.

He had no choice but to bring Titus back to the shelter where he got him. This devastating decision broke Lewis’ heart. The shelter accepted Titus but they were pretty sure, like so many other people, that Lewis would drop Titus off and never return again. Technically the shelter doesn’t hold dogs because owners say they’ll be back all the time and don’t come back at all.

But this time was different. Lewis was unlike any dog owner they had met before.

Once at the shelter, Titus had a rough time immediately. Adjusting to the shelter was impossible for him; he was used to being in a loving home without the chaos. Without the incessant barking. Without the cold, concrete floors.

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Shelter life is incredibly hard and Titus was miserable. He sat in his kennel most of the time, feeling downright depressed. The only upside to his days was when he could come out and play. Then Titus would run around happily. He was grateful to be out of his ‘cell.’

Lewis came to visit often and Titus would perk up. He was thrilled to see his dad but then the visit would have to come to an end and both Lewis and Titus were devastated all over again. Lewis cried every single time! But this made him even more determined to get a new home so he could get Titus out.

Then the miracle they had both been waiting for happened. Lewis found a new house! It was perfect. It had a nice big yard for Titus to run around in! Lewis went to the shelter to pick up his ‘son’ and the reunion was PERFECT! The tears flowed and Titus knew his dad was there to pick him up for good. The emotional embrace (after embrace) that came next was captured on camera.

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Titus has the sweetest smile on his face as Lewis gives him the biggest hug. The shelter shared the photo on their Facebook page and it went viral. Their reunion was so amazing that the whole world cheered!

Lewis was so grateful to have his dog back. He also thanked the shelter workers over and over again for taking care of his baby; he knew that their kindness and love is what got Titus through the whole ordeal.

The shelter workers knew deep down that Lewis was always coming back for Titus despite the other times they witnessed the opposite from other dog owners. The duo is living a happy life again, together. And we couldn’t be happier for them!

Be sure to watch this heartwarming video! Make sure you SHARE this with your friends and family!

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