December Pet Horoscopes: What the Stars Have in Store for Dogs and Cats

Dog News

December brings many changes to us all, which will evolve and expand our personal worlds for the better. The end of the month is a little tricky and tense, but as long as we’re optimistic in these stressful moments, they’ll pass swiftly.

Here are the key astrological dates for December:

  • Dreamy Neptune ends the planetary retrograde that began on June 25 in Pisces, waking up our long term visions and bringing them to fruition.
  • The total solar eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4th urges us to embrace new philosophies.
  • Chatty Mercury moves into Capricorn on December 13th, making us more reflective than communicative.
  • Action planet Mars enters Sagittarius, adding vitality and enthusiasm to our vibe.
  • The full moon in Gemini on December 18th brings confusion and contemplation about how to move forward.
  • Beautiful Venus begins its moonwalk in Capricorn on December 19th lasting through January 29th, urging us to assess relationships and heal our insecurities.
  • The sun enters Capricorn on December 21st, bringing the winter solstice and a new season with it.
  • Austere Saturn in Aquarius and rebellious Uranus in Taurus square off for the third time in 2021 on December 24 (the other dates were February 17 and June 14), pushing us to break free of the constraints that are holding us back.
  • Jupiter re-enters Pisces on December 28th, taking us back to the ideals of the spring.

Anna Ostanina/iStock

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Make sure that your pet parents treat you to your favorite treats (Greenies or Whimzees) as a reward for your good behavior. They’ll even surprise you with a new toy on December 13th to show their appreciation for you being amazing. Your pet parents have a few more tricks and gifts up their sleeves this holiday season, so don’t worry about not getting a holiday gift even if it’s not under the tree on December 24th.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The solar eclipse on December 4th and December 18th’s full moon are urging you to keep healthy boundaries with others. You may be pushed to the edge when Venus retrograde commences on December 19th, forcing you to take immediate action and assert yourself during the Saturn and Uranus square which occurs on December 24th. Watch your barking or meowing then—there’s a lot of weight in your tone, and intentions.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Relationships will seem extra challenging on December 4th and 18th, mostly due to the on-and-off-again emotional vibes and fluctuations within your friendships. Unfortunately, December 13th won’t be chill, and will tense up an already stressful situation. The good news is that it will subside on December 28th, allowing you to feel confident in your friendships once again.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Sometimes you don’t have to do anything to get your way, all you have to do is just look at your pet parent with your tender doe eyes and they’ll melt in your hands. Use this to your advantage on December 4th and 18th. When they first say “no” to your request, make their hearts putty in your paws by vocalizing sweetly, and gently rubbing on their legs. Chances are that they’ll give in and let you eat one more treat, buy you a toy, or let you hop on the countertops.

Cat in fancy holiday collar

eurobanks via iStock

Leo (July 23-August 22)

The person you’ve been crushing on at the dog park is reciprocating your flirtatious feelings during the solar eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4th and the full moon in Gemini on December 18th. Hold steady—your newfound relationship will be super slow to start, and may have you feeling like it’s going nowhere by December 24th. Give it time to unfold naturally—by December 28th, you’ll have forged a deeper bond.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Your personal goals will shift during the solar eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4th. Instead of lazing about your home, you’ll feel a wave of inspiration that will motivate you to want to explore the outside world instead of being a stay-at-home pet. By the time the full moon in Gemini occurs on December 18th, you will be plotting and planning ways to lead your pet parent off the regular walking route to satisfy your wanderlust.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

The solar eclipse on December 4th is piling on a lot of errands and projects for your pet parent, which is indirectly making you super busy because they are taking you along for the ride. Their new busy routines are making you wish that you had time to relax and sleep. Luckily, Venus’s planetary moonwalk that starts on December 19th and lasts until January 29th will give you the downtime that you crave.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Your confidence is now at a high, thanks to the solar eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4th and the full moon in Gemini on December 18th. This is a month in which you’ll feel as though you are on top of the world. Just don’t get too cocky right now—your sensitive ego may easily be crushed by the salty vibes created when Venus retrograde commences on December 19th and goes backwards in Capricorn until January 29th.

two Pugs, one dressed as a Christmas tree the other dressed as a snowman


Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

This is your month to shine, Sagittarius! You’re radiating positive energy, exuding confidence, and the light around you is shimmering bright thanks to the solar eclipse on December 4th. Everyone wants to bask in your glow—just don’t let your newfound popularity get to your head. Remember that it’s important to be kind to everyone in your orbit, especially on December 18th.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

The next several weeks are calling for you to take time away from the limelight and to focus on yourself. Conserving your energy during the solar eclipse on December 4th will prove to be the best medicine of the season. By the time the holidays roll around—especially on December 24th and 28th—you’ll want to unwind some more by getting cozy and cuddling up with your pet parents by the fireplace as you open presents.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

If it feels as though members of your crew aren’t connecting with you, it’s because you are moving past them and transforming right now. It’s OK to temporarily need a break from your pals on December 4th and 24th. Keep in mind that the ones who evolve with you are going to be in your life for a while. You can take a momentary break from those who aren’t on the same path as you.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

It’s been a while since you’ve wanted to strut your stuff and flaunt your furry self around the neighborhood. This month brings a lot of attention your way, after you head out on December 4th and 28th to show off your fabulousness. You may even gain the fandom of a few humans who will think you’re adorable, amazing, beautiful, and lovable. But, honestly who wouldn’t think that about you. You’re too cute for words, Pisces!

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