Dog Lifestyle

– Overview of dog-friendly activities and destinations
– Subcategories for different types of activities (e.g. hiking, camping, travel, etc.)
– Tips and resources for planning and enjoying activities with your dog

I am writing this on Monday, January 2nd, the year two thousand and twenty three. An arbitrary date, of course, depending on the whims of history and culture. Yet, I love the ritual of dipping into the river of time, and the gift it gives us to reflect and look ahead. You all know, no
In February 2013, I published a set of photos of formerly feral Clara at the vet. Trainers worldwide have used those photos, with my permission, as examples of extreme stress in a dog’s facial expressions. Clara was terribly afraid. She panted, paced, and panicked. We were working on desensitization and counterconditioning to people slowly, in
I can’t believe it has been a year. But indeed it was December 28, 2021, when I welcomed boisterous eight-old-month Lewis into my life. If you want to see the list of things I first identified as difficulties, here it is. But instead of creating a progress report based on that list, I’m just going
This post may contain affiliate links. We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post. The years keep rolling by. Can you believe this is year 17 for this blog?! In 2007 the first blog post went live on Puppy In Training! In 2007 the first iPhone was released. Coincidence? Maybe…
This post may contain affiliate links. We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post. Have you ever had the experience of encountering the cutest little Chihuahua and approaching them to give them some affection only to have them growl at you with bare teeth and erupt in a display of
As pets get older there are noticeable signs of aging. As pet age, they often experience significant changes in their overall health including joint pain and mobility loss. Understanding the signs and symptoms of your dog or cat’s changing health needs, will help you to get them the medical care they need.  When is My
Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) symptoms can occur rapidly, potentially causing irreversible damage to your dog’s back and limiting its mobility. The care and treatment of IVDD goes beyond just surgical options. Consult your Veterinarian immediately at the first sign of back pain or change in your dog’s gait. Seeking immediate help increases the odds of