Best Digestive Supplements for Leaky Gut in Dogs

Dog Food

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Recently, I had two of my dogs tested through Innovative Pet Lab (IPL). I chose to test Zoey and Apollo because they’re healthy dogs, and the Innovative Pet Lab testing aims to give us a heads-up on potential health issues. I expected the tests to come back with stellar results. I was surprised when the test results revealed that my “healthy dogs” had markers of Leaky Gut Syndrome.

What is Innovative Pet Lab?

“Innovative Pet Lab tests offer pet owners and animal health practitioners peer-reviewed and scientifically-proven tests that help identify root causes of intestinal and autoimmune issues before they develop into more serious conditions.”

Currently, we can choose from four tests:

  1. Digestion & Detox – which determines how well our dogs are digesting food, the health of their pancreas, and if their systems are sufficiently detoxing.
  2. Leaky Gut – tests the state of our dog’s gut lining; are the intestinal walls closed/sealed, or are there holes in the lining that allow bacteria through?
  3. Inflammation & Immunity – identifies gut inflammation, levels of normal gut bacteria, and the appropriate level of immune protection offered by the digestive system.
  4. Comprehensive Review – all three of the above tests

We were given two Comprehensive Reviews to test and offer feedback on the process and reports.

My Experience with Innovative Pet Lab

Initially, I was disappointed when I received the tests, which offered little information. But this changed once I spoke with IPL.

What impressed me about Innovative Pet Lab is how open they were to feedback. I explained that I wanted detailed information I could read, research, and act upon, and they responded. Since my experience, Innovative Pet Lab has updated its reports and reduced the price of the tests. It’s now an investment that I’d be willing to make.

Test Results

Zoey’s test results showed that she’s low in Secretory IgA, the gut lining’s first line of immune defense. This shows us the level of intestinal immune protection. According to IPL, elevated levels may result in the immune system reacting to inflammation, parasites, or food (intolerance). Low levels reveal a decrease in immunity, requiring food and supplements that support gut health.

Apollo’s test returned with two warnings. He was slightly high in Secretory IgA. He doesn’t show signs of inflammation or food sensitivities. However, this is something on my radar. The second was Zonulin, which was also slightly high. Zonulin is a protein that keeps the intestinal walls closed/sealed. When the results are high, this is a sign that the cells aren’t bound tightly together (i.e., Leaky Gut Syndrome). IPL recommends a change in diet and less stress; I have another solution.

What is Leaky Gut?

A lining of a healthy digestive tract should be like cheesecloth. When the lining is compromised, holes in the “cheesecloth” widen, allowing harmful things (bad bacteria, gluten, undigested food) to enter a dog’s system, leading to health issues.

Gradual, long-term damage to the intestinal tract can lead to leaky gut, and we can see this when dogs are…

  • fed a terrible diet
  • living with an imbalanced gut microbiome
  • subjected to over-vaccination
  • exposed regularly to toxins

The more I read about leaky gut, the more I began to wonder if all dogs have some level of Leaky Gut Syndrome. And the more I learned, the more I realized the importance of getting a handle on my dogs’ gut health.

Signs of Leaky Gut Syndrome in Dogs

Dogs with leaky gut may experience consistent digestive issues – soft stool, gas, weight loss, vomiting, and food sensitivities. However, the more significant concern is the health issues resulting from Leaky Gut Syndrome, which include…

Diagnosing Leaky Gut Syndrome in Dogs

Pet parents can speak with their veterinarian about various tests to determine the health of their dog’s gut lining or invest in the Leaky Gut test offered by Innovative Pet Lab. Like the AnimalBiome tests, the IPL tests require pet parents to collect and stool sample from their dog and mail it to the lab. Results will be available online within a few weeks.

IPL is different than AnimalBiome. A simple differentiation is AnimalBiome tests the gut bacteria populations that make up our dog’s microbiome; Innovate Pet Lab tests for the markers that may identify future health issues.

Treating Leaky Gut Syndrome in Dogs

After reading the reports, I determined the best course of action would be to focus on my dogs’ gut health. Because of my work on Rodrigo’s gut health, he’s lived ten years beyond the prognosis offered by his first veterinarian. In October 2022, I switched to supplements offered by Adored Beast Apothecary and Four Leaf Rover and currently alternate them weekly.

My Favorite Digestive Supplements for Dogs

  1. PROTECT by Four Leaf Rover – a veterinarian-formulated soil-based probiotic that naturally supports a healthy gut while protecting our dogs from environmental toxins and heavy metals.
  2. Bovine Colostrum by Four Leaf Rover – sourced from New Zealand Grass-Fed Cows. This powdered form of a cow’s first milk supports the immune system, heals leaky gut, and treats allergies.
  3. The Wolf by Adored Beast Apothecary – a species-appropriate probiotic tincture with a bacterial strain derived from wolves.
  4. Gut Soothe by Adored Beast – “a proprietary blend of anti-inflammatory herbs, nutraceuticals, and pre and probiotics that soothe and replenish the lining of the bowel, fight yeast, and combat unhealthy bacteria.”
  5. Fido’s Flora by Adored Beast – “a multi-strain probiotic blend featuring powerhouse minerals fulvic and humic acid and prebiotic larch,” which is a must-use after a round of antibiotics.
  6. Love Bugs by Adored Beast – a combination of pre and probiotics to combat yeast, reduce allergy and IBD symptoms, and support dental health.
  7. Healthy Gut by Adored Beast – digestive enzymes to boost food digestion and improve nutrient absorption.

You don’t need to buy every supplement I share; start with one or two and see how it goes.

Alternating Digestive Supplements

I’m a fan of variety in my dogs’ diet and switch up proteins and supplements weekly. I do this to give my dogs the benefits of a well-rounded diet while better supporting their immune system and gut health. I alternate five of the above digestive supplements weekly (switching supplements every Friday).

  • Colostrum – I add powdered colostrum to my dogs’ meals two to three days a week.
  • Digestive Enzymes – I add enzymes when needed; the first sign is if one of my dogs starts eating poop. In my experience, this is due to the digestive enzymes in the poop – my dogs always go for Rodrigo’s stool because he has EPI, and I add digestive enzymes (a different supplement, more powerful) to all his meals. Adding a small amount of Healthy Gut to the poop eater’s meals for a few days stops the behavior. I also make sure to keep the yard clean. Other signs that signal the need for digestive enzymes are intense gas (my dogs rarely have gas) or several days of loose stool.

Benefits of Digestive Supplements for Dogs

The gut microbiome can be a complicated puzzle to unravel. Starting with the basics, I understand that prebiotics (food for gut bacteria), probiotics (healthy gut bacteria), and digestive enzymes are needed to maintain a healthy gut. I’ve used various digestive supplements over the years with varying degrees of success.

I began alternating the above supplements in October 2022. The following positive changes have occurred in our dogs:


  • BEFORE – at 12 years old, he had become very picky with his food, was slowing down, and lost weight.
  • AFTER – Rodrigo is back to cleaning his dish, he’s more active, and he’s maintaining his weight.


  • BEFORE – Zoey didn’t have any health issues that required monitoring.
  • AFTER – Zoey’s stools are consistently solid and healthy.


  • BEFORE – Apollo had recurring irritated skin on his butt that I couldn’t cure.
  • AFTER – the skin around his anus is healthy, and the irritation hasn’t returned.


  • BEFORE – Bella joined our family when she was four months old.
  • AFTER – Bella is a healthy girl, and I hope that the supplements and a fresh food diet will help prevent any health issues that may result due to the early spay.

My dogs haven’t experienced any adverse side effects from rotating the above supplements.

Again, you don’t need to buy every supplement I share; start with one or two and see how it goes.

What About FullBucket?

I used FullBucket for years and recently switched to Four Leaf Rover and Adored Beast Apothecary when I learned that many digestive supplements on the market only contain one or two strains of pre and probiotics, and they’re not species-appropriate. FullBucket is a good product, but it’s not a good fit for correcting my dogs’ gut health and promoting a healthy gut microbiome.

Saving Money on Supplements

It’s not necessary to buy all the supplements listed above. This is an investment that not everyone can make. I’ve found that the following tips help cut costs:

1 – Shop Sales – I don’t mean the 10% off sales. I wait for 20% off or more before placing an order. I found the best Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales and stock up that weekend.

2 – Search for Discount Codes – I use an app that automatically searches for active discount codes. This helps me save money when I need to place after a sale. There are several apps online that offer this service.

3 – Set Up Recurring Orders – some brands will discount recurring orders. I do this on the lower-cost items because the discount is usually 5%.

Read More About Supplements

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