
This post may contain affiliate links. We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post. If you are looking for a new dog and the toy poodle has caught your eye with its adorable head tilts, then you may be wondering: how long do toy poodles live? Fortunately, as a small
One of the least glamorous things about dog ownership is picking up poop. But it gives you valuable insight into his health. By knowing what your dog’s stool normally looks, feels and smells like, you can quickly identify any changes or potential problems. One thing that’s scary is noticing blood in dog stool.  What Does
Skin issues often develop or get worse in dogs who’ve recently been vaccinated (or re-vaccinated). This includes problems like itching, redness, allergies, eczema, yeast infections, autoimmune diseases and so on. If you vaccinate your dog and you then notice symptoms like these develop or worsen in the weeks or months afterwards, it’s highly likely that
Pau d’arco. What’s that strange name … and what does it have to do with your dog? Pau d’arco is a traditional South American herbal remedy used for many health issues. They range from pain and inflammation to yeast infections and even cancer. So I want to tell you how it can help your dog. 
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If your dog has a sudden bout of vomiting, decreased appetite and lethargy, he could have gastritis. What Is Gastritis In Dogs? Gastritis means inflammation of the gastrointestinal lining. There are 2 main types of gastritis in dogs. The symptoms are similar but it’s the duration of the attack and the severity of symptoms that
Puppies of all breeds have specific nutritional requirements that differ from adult dogs. Some manufacturers provide all life stages dog food while others offer dog food specifically balanced for the nutritional needs of puppies. Puppy foods are usually included within the lines of other foods for adult dogs. We’ve pulled out the top 10 puppy
How far life has taken me – I’m a famous video blogger! Wow! Who would thought that day when I bought a new camera change everything! But it seems to me that fame did not spoil me! Of course, there will be people who, watching my videos, will say that I am selfish and narcissistic…
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The University of Nottingham School of Veterinary Medicine and Science in Nottingham, England, was recently granted full accreditation status by the AVMA Council on Education. Nottingham has been accredited by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons since 2011. The COE made the accreditation decision during its Sept. 18-20 meeting (PDF) at AVMA headquarters in Schaumburg,