Animal Behavior College Announces a March Inflation Sale

Dog Training

Animal Career Certification Programs Deeply Discounted

If you’re like many Americans, you may be struggling right now, weighing career options, worrying about finances, wondering if you’ll ever get ahead.

By now it’s no longer news that inflation is hitting everyone hard. Higher prices mean your dollar doesn’t stretch as far as it used to. Food and housing costs are surging, as are the prices of used cars, gasoline, and utilities. Prices on everything are going up.

Though inflation peaked last summer at over 9%, the current rate of 6.41% is nearly double the long term average inflation rate of 3.28%. According to CNBC, in October U.S. households were spending an average of $433 more per month than the previous October. At the same time, the real average hourly wage has decreased by 0.7%.

For the average person, all of these figures add up to one thing: it’s getting harder and harder to make ends meet. None of the economic news seems to be encouraging. Could it really be a good time to change careers?

Great News for Animal Lovers

At Animal Behavior College, we think there’s never a bad time to pursue your dreams, so if you want to start a job working with animals, here’s a bit of positive news: Animal Behavior College wants to help you make your dream a reality in the midst of these troubling financial times. In order to make career certification more affordable, during March we are offering a tuition sale, discounting the cost of each of our core certification programs by hundreds of dollars.

As the largest pet career school in North America, ABC has been training students to go on to great animal careers since 1998. If you have a passion for animals, we’d love to play a part in helping you find your life’s work.

People Seeking Animal Jobs Have Good Prospects

Want more good news? You couldn’t pick a better time to enter an animal-related field! The pet industry is absolutely exploding. In 2020, spending on pets in the U.S. topped $100 billion and has now exceeded $120 billion. In addition to pet food, beds, toys, and other products, pet owners spend on services.

Did you know that over 69 million U.S. households have a pet dog, and 45.3 million households have pet cats?¹ That equates to opportunities! Dog and cat parents, seek out obedience trainers and groomers for their cats and dogs. Not only do these numbers drive opportunities for dog and cat trainers, they also keep the veterinary market robust which is why Vet practices and animal hospitals have an ever-growing need for veterinary assistants.

Then there are fish. Almost 140 million fish are kept by hobbyists in the US. This makes tropical fish are the most popular pet in the United States. Aquatics enthusiasts hire aquarists to help set up, stock, and maintain aquariums.

Animal Behavior College offers certification in all of the above careers, plus a zookeeper assistant program and a service dog trainer program. These online courses allow you to take classes no matter where you live. Many ABC programs also include externships as part of the curriculum, giving students a chance to practice their new skills and get valuable hands-on experience alongside a local mentor.

Animal Career Certification Tuition Discounts

For U.S. students who enroll in March, tuition savings are significant.

No Better Time to Enroll

Take advantage of ABC’s sale and call today. An admissions counselor is always ready to help you get started. Call 800-795-3294 and take the first step towards your new animal career today!


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