Annual surgery summit, Oct. 12-15, Portland, Oregon
ACVS Founders’ Award for Career Achievement

Dr. David E. Freeman, Gainesville, Florida, won this award, recognizing the contributions of an ACVS diplomate in specialized research, practice leadership, surgical skill, and service to the college and to the veterinary community. A 1972 veterinary graduate of the University College Dublin in Ireland, Dr. Freeman is a professor of equine studies at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine and director of the veterinary college’s Island Whirl Equine Colic Research Laboratory. During his tenure, he has also served as chief of large animal surgery and department chair of large animal clinical sciences. Known for his contributions to equine colic and soft tissue surgery, Dr. Freeman has developed a short course on equine colic, including a laboratory component.
ACVS Merit Award

Dr. Thomas P. Schaer (Pennsylvania ’96), Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, won this award, given to a non–ACVS diplomate who has made major contributions to veterinary surgery through the development of methods, techniques, devices, and educational aspects of veterinary surgery. Dr. Schaer is the founder and director of the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine’s Institute for Medical Translation, an ecosystem for multidisciplinary collaboration and mentoring of undergraduate and graduate students in translational sciences. His work has helped refine large animal models for intervertebral disc healing and replacement, acute respiratory distress syndrome and systemic inflammatory response syndrome, tissue-engineered menisci, articular cartilage and intervertebral discs, biofilm and fracture healing, augmentation of fragile or osteopenic bone, new implants for interbody fusions, biofilm-infected fractures, and augmented reality for surgical navigation.
ACVS Foundation Legends Award

Dr. David J. DeYoung (Michigan State ’68), Raleigh, North Carolina, won this award, in recognition of developing a surgical or diagnostic procedure of significant value, proven by becoming the test or treatment of choice for a given condition. A diplomate of the ACVS and the American College of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia, Dr. DeYoung is a past dean of Ross University College of Veterinary Medicine. Earlier in his career, while serving on the veterinary faculty of North Carolina State University, he created and studied the clinical performance of the canine porous-coated anatomic system, a surgery that revolutionized total joint replacement in dogs. Dr. DeYoung also developed and published seminal work on the radiographic criteria used to evaluate the response to total joint replacement in dogs and played an important role in the evolution of the PCA system into current forms of cementless total hip components.

Dr. Susan L. Fubini, Ithaca, New York, chair and immediate past president; Dr. Ronald M. McLaughlin Jr., Mississippi State, Mississippi, president; Dr. Jan Hawkins, West Lafayette, Indiana, president-elect; Dr. Julie D. Smith, Mountain View, California, treasurer; Ann T. Loew, Germantown, Maryland, chief executive officer; and regents—Drs. Christopher R. Byron, Blacksburg, Virginia; Kelly D. Farnsworth, Pullman, Washington; Ursula Krotscheck, Ithaca, New York; Catriona M. MacPhail, Fort Collins, Colorado; Denis Marcellin-Little, Davis, California; and Annette McCoy, Champaign, Illinois