Fleas can be a real nuisance for dogs and their owners alike. These tiny insects can cause itching, irritation, and even transmit diseases to dogs and humans.
One way to prevent fleas is to take out the problem at the source … by getting rid of flea eggs before they hatch and wreak havoc.
But before you can tackle the problem and remove flea eggs, you need to know what you’re dealing with. So, what do flea eggs look like, and how can you identify them?
What Do Flea Eggs Look Like?
Flea eggs are tiny and oval-shaped, measuring around 0.5 mm in length. The eggs are white or off-white in color.
Flea eggs have a smooth surface and a tacky texture that allows them to stick to surfaces, which can make them difficult to remove.
What Do Flea Eggs Look Like To The Human Eye?
For humans, flea eggs are tough to spot. They’re so small that they’re almost invisible to the human eye.
Flea eggs are usually found in clusters on the fur of an infested animal or on surfaces where the animal spends most of his time, such as bedding, carpets, and furniture.
For most of us, our best chance of spotting flea eggs is with a magnifying glass or using a flea comb. This fine-toothed comb is designed to remove fleas and their eggs from your pet’s fur.
If you suspect your dog has fleas, you can use the flea comb to gently comb through his fur, paying close attention to areas where fleas tend to congregate, such as the lower back and belly. You can use a magnifying glass to help check the comb for eggs once you’re finished.
What Do Flea Eggs Look Like On A Dog?
If you can see them, flea eggs on a dog will often appear as tiny white specks, small white flecks, or tiny grains of salt. They’re usually clustered together.
Flea eggs are most commonly found on the lower back and belly of dogs … but they can also be found around the ears and tail.
As a general rule, remember that fleas and their eggs love warmth… so check all the parts of your dog’s body that tend to be especially warm.
What Do Flea Eggs Look Like On Furniture?
Flea eggs can also be found on furniture, especially in areas around the house where your dog likes to spend time. Carpets, bedding, and upholstered furniture can all be hiding places for fleas and their eggs.
Flea eggs on furniture will look like they do on your pet’s fur: like small white dots or grains of salt.
How Long Do Flea Eggs Take To Hatch?
Flea eggs typically hatch within two to 14 days, depending on the temperature and humidity.
Higher temperatures and humidity levels will accelerate the hatching process, and in optimal conditions the eggs can hatch as quickly as two days.
Once the flea eggs hatch, the larvae emerge and begin to feed on organic matter found in their environment, such as flea feces, skin cells, and other debris. The flea larvae go through several molting stages as they grow, and it can take up to several weeks for them to reach the pupal stage.
In the pupal stage, the larvae encase themselves in a cocoon and undergo metamorphosis. At this point, they are protected from environmental threats like insecticides and flea treatments. The pupal stage can last for several days to several months, depending on the temperature and humidity.
After the pupal stage, adult fleas emerge from the cocoon, and the cycle begins again. Adult fleas can live for up to several months and lay up to 50 eggs per day, so it’s essential to break the flea life cycle to prevent reinfestation. There are several home remedies for fleas that can help.
RELATED: Find our best home remedies for fleas on dogs …
Are Flea Eggs Harmful To Humans?
Flea eggs are not harmful to humans, but they can cause discomfort and irritation if they hatch and you get a flea infestation in your home. Flea bites can cause itching and redness, and some people may have an allergic reaction. Fleas can also carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans.
That’s why it’s so important to remove flea eggs from your dog … not just for his health but for your own wellbeing!
How To Remove Flea Eggs From Your Dog
Removing flea eggs from your dog is essential to prevent reinfestation.
To remove flea eggs, first give your dog a thorough wash. Any shampoo will remove shampoos, so you can use a natural organic shampoo that’s safe for your dog. Avoid medicated flea shampoos with toxic chemicals.
Then, use a flea comb to gently comb through your dog’s fur, paying close attention to the areas where fleas tend to congregate (lower back, belly, ears, tail, etc).
Unfortunately, you’ll now have to treat your home and yard for fleas and eggs to prevent reinfestation, as it’s likely your dog caught the fleas or spread them to the home or yard. If you clean your dog only to have him pickup fleas around the house or yard again, the cycle will start anew. So it’s best to thoroughly clean all carpeting, bedding, and furniture where your dog likes to hang out.
How To Prevent Flea Egg Infestation
If you do it early and do it right, prevention of flea eggs can eliminate the headache of having to treat your dog for fleas and having to detox your whole home and yard. That’s why it’s important to take the extra time to prevent flea eggs at the source …
Here are a few quick tips to help prevent flea eggs from taking hold:
- Keep your home clean and vacuum regularly to remove flea eggs and larvae.
- Wash your dog’s bedding, toys, and other items he comes into contact with regularly.
- Use natural flea prevention products to kill fleas and prevent eggs from hatching.
- Keep your lawn trimmed to discourage wildlife that can carry fleas from entering your yard.
- Use natural flea prevention for all pets in your household, to prevent cross-infestation.
RELATED: Find more home remedies and prevention strategies for fleas on dogs …
Your dog’s immune health is also important in preventing fleas. Parasites like fleas look for easier targets. So feeding your dog a fresh, whole food raw diet will support his overall health. Include immune-supporting supplements that’ll help make him unattractive to fleas.