The Ultimate Guide To Long-Haired Dachshunds

Dog Food

Long-haired dachshunds are some of the cutest, teeniest dogs you can meet.

They are highly sought after due to their charming and endearing personalities, as well as their distinctive appearance, which includes little stumpy legs and large, floppy ears.

Are you considering getting a long-haired dachshund of your own? If so, you might want to spend some time reading through our in-depth information on these adorable canines.

In this article, we will be discussing everything you need to know about long-haired dachshunds.

Table of Contents

A Brief Introduction to The Long-Haired Dachshund

Dachshunds are small-sized canines with hound-like characteristics. Their muzzles are narrow, and they have lengthy bodies and little, stumpy legs. It is their long stature that earned them the nickname ‘sausage dogs’ over the years.

In this article, we will be focusing on the long-haired dachshund. This is one of the three coat types available for this breed. Both regular and miniature breeds of dachshund can obtain this coat variant.

In contrast to the conventional, smooth, short coat that other breeds of dachshunds have, the long-haired dachshund has a lengthy, luxurious, wavy coat, as their title implies.

Are Long-Haired Dachshunds Suitable as Pets?

Long-haired dachshunds make wonderful pets for their owners, no matter how old the owners may be. 

They are well adapted to city-like lifestyles due to their diminutive stature, which allows them to fit in almost anywhere.

They make excellent pets, remaining loyal to those that they love. Additionally, if you’re interested, they can also serve as effective watchdogs.

The Appearance of a Long-Haired Dachshund

Dachshunds are a breed of dog that has short legs and long bodies, earning them the moniker ‘sausage dog’.

They are a robust breed with a wide chest that gives them quite a bit of power despite their diminutive physique. They possess lengthy, floppy ears and almond-shaped eyes on an extended cranium.

Long-haired dachshunds in particular have a longer, thicker, flowing fur that gets thicker around their ears and neck, giving them a shaggy appearance. Additionally, their tail, belly, and limbs are covered with lengthy hair. 

Some long-haired dachshunds have fur so long that it reaches the ground beneath them.

The Many Coat Colors of a Long-Haired Dachshund 

Long-haired dachshunds’ coats come in a variety of hues, including: 

  • Black
  • Black and tan
  • Blue
  • Blue and cream
  • Blue and tan
  • Chocolate and cream
  • Chocolate and tan
  • Cream
  • Fawn with cream markings
  • Fawn and tan
  • Red

Dachshunds can also have variegated coats in combination to these many colorations. Some of the more common patterns are:

  • Dapple (color flecks on a solid/two-toned coat, frequently with one/both blue eyes)
  • Double dapple
  • Brindle (darker striations on a plain base)
  • Sable (two-color patterns, usually with darker tips)
  • Piebald (white fur with other solid-colored regions)

Do Long-Haired Dachshunds Have Undercoats?

Given that they are a double-coated breed, yes, long-haired dachshunds have an undercoat. 

Long-haired Dachshunds are insulated by their undercoat, which keeps them cool and comfortable in the summer, and warm and toasty during the winter. 

In order to grow back their summer and winter coats, they shed their undercoat twice a year, in the spring and the fall.

The Fur of a Long-Haired Dachshund

Since long-haired dachshunds are a double-coated dog breed, they have fur rather than hair. They typically have long soft and silky coats.

Whether a dog has a single or double coat determines whether it has hair or fur. Breeds with double coats, like dachshunds, are thought to have fur, whilst those with single coats are thought to have hair.

The Temperament of a Long-Haired Dachshund

Long-haired dachshunds are brave, sociable, affectionate, but also fairly stubborn small dogs. 

Since they possess a lot of self-confidence, they are expected to occasionally to handle dogs that are larger than themselves.

However, compared to other dachshund variations, long-haired dachshunds are generally known to be a lot friendlier. They are hence frequently referred to as the friendliest breed of dachshund.

Do Long-Haired Dachshunds Display Aggression or Calmness?

Due to the introduction of Irish Settler genes into the dachshund gene pool, long-haired dachshunds were initially created to have a calmer, more gentle disposition to be companion dogs rather than hunting dogs.

However, due to their small stature and the fact that they were bred as hunting dogs, dachshunds are a dog breed that is, typically, more assertive than the ordinary dog.

There are a couple of reasons why dachshunds tend to show their aggressive sides sometimes, and here are some of them:

  • Due to their small size, they can experience anxiety and fear. They instinctively defend themselves by displaying their hostile sides, as a result of feeling exposed and in danger.
  • Dachshunds occasionally exhibit excessive guarding. As a result, they frequently guard resources like food, toys, or their owner with hostility.
  • They may become feisty as the result of social hostility, displaying violent behavior toward dogs who establish dominance.
  • Since they were originally developed as hunting dogs, dachshunds may exhibit aggressive behavior when in close proximity to wild animals, like squirrels or mice.

Nevertheless, long-haired dachshunds display a little less hostility than the smooth coat and wire coat varieties, since they are bred to be friendly companion dogs.

Although Dachshunds are genetically predisposed to become confrontational in particular circumstances, there are so many ways that you can moderate this behavior through early socialization and conditioning.

Reducing your puppy’s anxiety and insecurities from an early age will help them become less aggressive, since aggression is typically a coping strategy.

Are Long-Haired Dachshunds Loud or Quiet?

As with all dachshund breeds, long-haired variations tend to bark a lot, but not as much as wire and smooth coat varieties. This is due to their genetic affinity for the more relaxed breeds, Irish Settlers and Spaniels.

Dachshunds were designed to bark as a hunting species in order to notify humans, and direct them to the prey that they have located.

However, long-haired dachshunds are typically regarded as the most placid of all dachshund breeds. They are quieter due to their Irish Settler and Spaniel ancestry, which dates back to when they first began breeding the long hair kind.

Long-haired dachshunds do, however, have a propensity to bark, thus in general, they wouldn’t be regarded as a peaceful breed.

The Intelligence of a Long-Haired Dachshund

Out of 138 breeds, dachshunds, including long-haired dachshunds, have been ranked 92nd for obedience intelligence.

Long-haired dachshunds are actually pretty intelligent since they are incredibly attentive and aware, despite their relatively low ranking. They do poorly because they have a tendency to be independent thinkers, and to be stubborn.

They are, therefore, generally exceptionally intelligent canines. The problem is that they are so intelligent that they can deliberately choose to disregard your orders, and operate independently.

Are Long-Haired Dachshunds a Suitable Breed For Families?

Many people believe that long-haired dachshunds are more attractive than wire- or smooth-haired varieties. This variety of dachshund are mellower and calmer dogs. 

In comparison to other coat kinds that tend to build close relationships with specific individuals, they are quite sociable and prefer to get along with everyone in the household. These dogs enjoy spending time with family, showing a great deal of affection for their owners. They are independent dogs but also enjoy being involved in the family’s activities and games.

Compared to the wire-haired and smooth-coated variants, long-haired dachshunds are also far more gentle and peaceful, making them ideal for being around children. However, there should be certain handling guidelines if a dachshund is going to live with small kids.

Due to their long backs, dachshunds can develop Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD), so it is crucial to teach kids how to pick them up properly. Children should also be taught that dachshunds should not be approached when they are eating because they may become hostile.

Overall, a long-haired dachshund can be a great addition to any family, even ones with small children. 

They are only, typically, likely to be unkind to outsiders. They can get pretty possessive, and, therefore, will probably bark if a stranger enters their territory. As we previously mentioned, dachshunds can be great guard dogs due to this attribute.

The Origins of a Long-Haired Dachshund

Given that the term ‘Dach’ translates to ‘badger’ in German, and ‘hund’ translates to’dog’, the Dachshund breed is believed to have originated in Germany many hundreds of years ago.

In particular, the long-haired variant was developed by mating a conventional dachshund with Spaniels and Irish Setters.

Long-haired miniature dachshunds are very popular in Great Britain due to Queen Victoria’s preference for them. Once the breed arrived in England it became more refined.

For What Purposes Were Long-Haired Dachshunds Bred?

As we have mentioned previously in this guide, dachshunds were originally bred as hunter dogs.

Due to their robust, long double coats, long-haired dachshunds were specifically bred to be capable of hunting in northern climates. 

In order to make them a better companion dog overall rather than only a hunter, they were also developed to have a kinder disposition than the short haired and wire-haired versions.

The mini long-haired dachshund was breed out of need for smaller dogs there were capable of going into the ground after rabbits. They were also good for going into badger holes and keeping the quarry at bay until hunters could dig and reach them.

The Rarity of a Long-Haired Dachshund

Although long-haired dachshunds are less common than short-haired, smooth, and wire-coated varieties, they are not particularly rare. There are proportional numbers of long-haired dachshunds to other breeds all over the globe.

However, long hair in dachshunds is a recessive gene, making it the least common coat type compared to the others. A dachshund needs two copies of the long-haired gene (LL) in order to have a long coat.

Therefore, long-haired dachshunds are probably the rarest variety of dachshund, but overall, they are not considered to be rare.

Furthermore, when breeders cross two long-haired dachshunds, it is 100% guaranteed that their offspring will only have long hair. So, since they may be purposefully bred with very high success rates, long-haired dachshunds aren’t actually all that uncommon in the grand scheme of things.

The Lifespan of a Long-Haired Dachshund

The typical Dachshund may expect to live for 15 to 16 years on average. The same range applies to little Dachshunds, though they can live to be between 16 and 18 years old.

Many dogs live longer lives, with some even getting far into their early twenties, while others will live shorter lives. 

Rocky, a short-haired dachshund from California, US, was thought to have been the oldest dachshund of all time. Born in March 1987, Rocky passed away in April 2012, making him a remarkable 25 years old at the time of this death.

Long-haired dachshunds, specifically, typically live between 12 and 16 years. Miniature long-haired dachshunds have a somewhat shorter lifespan, ranging from 12 to 14 years, than standard size long-haired dachshunds, who can live for up to 16 years old.

Your dog’s life expectancy might vary significantly depending on genetic factors like breeding, breed-specific problems like heart valves and spine problems, and general lifestyle factors like diet and activity.

The Average Size of a Long-Haired Dachshund

The Average Weight of a Long-Haired Dachshund

The ideal weight range for a long-haired dachshund is 16 to 32 pounds (7 kg to 14 kg). 

A dachshund’s weight is influenced by its height, and whether it is a male or female. Typically, male dachshunds weigh a little bit more than females do.

The Average Height of a Long-Haired Dachshund

The typical long-haired dachshund can grow to a shoulder height of 8 to 9 inches (20 to 22 cm). 

Generally speaking, male long-haired dachshunds are taller than females.

The Size Difference Between a Standard and Miniature Long-Haired Dachshund

Miniature long-haired dachshunds are significantly smaller than those in full size, as the name would suggest. At average, miniature dachshunds can grow to a shoulder height of 5 to 7 inches (13 to 18 cm), and can weigh up to 11 pounds (5 kg).

Identifying a Long-Haired Dachshund From Birth

Since long-haired dachshunds are not actually born with long hair, you probably won’t be able to tell the difference, when a puppy is initially born, between a short- and long-haired dachshund.

They will initially have short hair, just like the other puppies in the pack, until they are around 3 or 4 weeks old. At this point, they will begin to exhibit signs of fuller, denser hair growth.

Their body and leg hair will begin to thicken and feather at 3 weeks. Their hair will continue to grow longer at 4 weeks, at which point the coat style will be clear.

However, when both parents of the dachshund are of the long hair variety, you will be able to determine from the beginning of the pregnancy that all of the puppies will be long haired.

Only when one or both parents are short haired, or only possess and carry one long hair gene, does the coat type come into question. However, there is a chance that some puppies in the litter may inherit two long hair traits.

The Cost of a Long-Haired Dachshund

Depending on the breeder, the average long-haired dachshund should cost between $2,500 and $6,000 USD. 

Some may be more affordable to buy, and some breeders might even charge more to sell them. This price is also influenced by the dachshund’s size, with the miniature version being more costly. 

Additionally, a dog’s price increases with the rarity of its coat color. Some of the rarer coat colors and patterns include:

  • Sable
  • Brindle piebald
  • Blue
  • Blue and tan
  • Blonde/English Cream
  • Black (solid color)
  • Albino
  • Chocolate
  • Fawn 
  • Double dapple

The genetic background of the parents, and whether the breeder registered and immunized the puppies in the litter, are other factors that affect dachshund prices.

Generally speaking, long-haired dachshunds cost more than their short-haired counterparts. The reason for this is that they are a lot rarer.

Since the long-haired dachshund is thought to have a gentler, kinder disposition than any other dachshund variations, they are also more widely longed for. Prices rise as a result of the poor supply and high demand.

The Average Price of a Long-Haired Miniature Dachshund

Mini long haired dachshunds range in price from $3,500 to $7,000.

Since tiny dogs are currently in style since people find them to be sweeter and more adorable, miniature long-haired dachshunds are, typically, a lot more expensive than the larger variants of the breed.

The smaller litter sizes of the mini long haired dachshund also contributes to their greater pricing.

The Average Price of a Long-Haired Dapple Dachshund

Long-haired dapple dachshunds can be purchased for amounts well below or over the typical dachshund pricing range. Whether the dachshund is double or single dappled determines this.

However, since double dapple long-haired dachshunds possess two copies of the merle gene, which can potentially cause major or fatal health concerns affecting their hearing and vision, breeding them is exceedingly unethical.

Due to their high prevalence of blindness and/or deafness, double dapple dachshunds typically sell for very little money, or are given away as rescue dogs. 

While double dapples appear unique and stunning, due to having blue eyes and unique coat markings, you should steer clear of breeders who do so on purpose.

However, dapple long-haired dachshunds with one merle gene copy can fetch outrageous prices of $5,000 USD or above. A dachshund’s coat can have the merle genetic pattern, which lightens sporadic areas of the coat while leaving other areas of the original colour.

Merle dachshunds should not be mated with non-merle dachshunds by ethical breeders who want to produce merle dachshund offspring. The litter will consist of around 50% merles, and no double merles.

Although dapple long-haired dachshunds are typically in good health, they do run a slightly higher risk of ocular and hearing problems than double dapples.

The Average Price of a Blonde Long-Haired Dachshund

Due to their rarity, blonde long-haired dachshunds—also known as English Cream long-haired dachshunds—sell for astronomical prices of $4,000 USD or more.

Due to the recessive nature of the cream (blonde) gene, dachshunds must inherit one copy of each genotype from each parent in order to display the color.

Furthermore, blonde dachshunds only have long hair, and not smooth or wire coats, making this coat color even more uncommon. Instead of the regular size, the color is more prevalent in long-haired miniature dachshunds.

The Average Price of a Blue Long-Haired Dachshund

Due to their rarity, blue long-haired dachshunds can be highly pricey. Normally, they go for $5,000 or more.

A long-haired dachshund can only be blue if both of its parents have the recessive diluted black gene. The dachshund won’t be blue if one parent carries the diluted black gene, but the other doesn’t; both parents must carry this gene.

Since this is usually rare, blue long-haired dachshunds can be very expensive to purchase.

The Average Price of a Red Long-Haired Dachshund

Due to their prevalence, long-haired dachshunds in the color red often cost somewhere between $2,500 and $6,000 USD.

Given the high likelihood that there would be red long-haired dachshunds in a litter, breeders will typically sell red dachshunds in the typical price range since there isn’t a shortage of them.

Since red is a dominant gene, it is a very frequent color in dachshunds. No matter what the other color genes are, a long-haired dachshund only requires one copy of the red gene to be red.

Long-Haired Dachshunds Complete Guide on Health, Temperament, and Grooming

Grooming a Long-Haired Dachshund

Once thing that you should know about long-haired dachshunds is that this breed sheds a lot, particularly as the seasons change.

Due to their twice-yearly coat loss, they shed most heavily in the spring and fall. Sporadically, a modest amount of fur will fall out for the remainder of the year.

The undercoat of long-haired dachshunds loses a lot of fur when they shed, since they have a double coat. A long-haired dachshund’s undercoat functions as thermodynamic undergarments to keep them warm and dry during the colder months of the year.

They shed some of their undercoat when the seasons change, making it lighter and cooler during the summer. The majority of the guard hairs, which make up the top layer of their coat, will fall out at all other times of the year.

Fawn and blue long-haired dachshunds, which have diluted color coats and are known to have Color Dilution Alopecia, may shed even more than dogs with solid color coats. More shedding results from the thin hair that is shed as a result of this condition.

Skin cancer, dermatitis, and skin infections are among additional signs of color dilution alopecia, which also causes hair loss.

Long-Haired Dachshunds: Low or High Maintenance?

Compared to short-haired and wire-haired variants, long-haired dachshunds require more care.

They need more treatment when grooming because of their long coats, which need to be cut sometimes to keep them looking well. Usually a trim around the ears and their undercarriage will keep them looking presentable.

On the flip side, since they don’t require regular grooming, short-haired dachshunds are minimal maintenance, especially when compared to their long-haired counterparts.

How Much do Long-Haired Dachshunds Shed Compared to Short-Haired Dachshunds?

Due to their deeper undercoat, long-haired dachshunds shed a lot more than short-haired variants. 

Moreover, since their hair is longer than any other dachshund kind, they shed a lot more hair overall.

Do Long-Haired Dachshunds Have Low Allergy Potential?

Due to their moderate to heavy shedding habits and significant amounts of dander (dry skin cells), long-haired dachshunds are not hypoallergenic.

However, long-haired dachshunds are the least allergenic of all dachshund breeds, because it tends to collect and fall to the floor instead of drift in the air.

Do Long-Haired Dachshunds Grow A Winter Coat?

Following periodic shedding in the fall, long-haired dachshunds develop a winter coat that begins to grow. Since they have two coats, they develop a thick undercoat in the winter to keep warm.

However, since dachshunds have extremely short and stout legs, they are a lot closer to the ground than other dog breeds. Also, they are very small dogs, and their coats aren’t made to endure high temperatures.

Therefore, long-haired dachshunds can become very cold during the winter, so they should always cover up when it’s cold outside. Their owners should think about purchasing coats for their dog to wear during the colder months of the year.

How Often do Long-Haired Dachshunds Need to be Groomed?

Dachshunds with long hair require routine grooming since, due to the length that their coats can reach, their fur is highly susceptible to tangling.

Long-haired dachshunds should have their hair cut, particularly around their feet, ears, and torso, in addition to routine home brushing. A long-haired dachshund can be professionally groomed, or, alternatively, it can be done by the owner at home.

Due of the high cost of taking a dachshund to a professional groomer, many owners choose to buy their own DIY dog grooming set that includes clippers, shields, and brushes. Watching tutorials on YouTube can teach you how to properly groom your dog.

So, overall, long-haired dachshunds require regular haircuts to maintain the appearance of their luxurious, lengthy fur. A quick, uncomplicated trim of the fur is all a long-haired dachshund needs for a haircut. Due to its double coat, it should never be shaved down.

Trimming a Long-Haired Dachshund

Every one to two months, long-haired dachshunds should have a small trim done around their face, ears, and feet to ensure that they will always appear their finest.

Their fur needs to be cut so that it won’t tangle as easily and won’t attract filth.

Because dachshund paws and ears are so prone to gathering dirt and matting easily, trimming their fur is especially crucial. Long-haired dachshunds can have fur that reaches the floor in some cases. 

To prevent this fur from trailing on the floor and gathering further dust and dirt, it must be cut.

Shaving a Long-Haired Dachshund

Although it can be done, it is not recommended that a person shaves their long-haired dachshund. 

Since they have an undercoat because they are a double-coated breed, cutting them down will simply keep cool air from reaching their skin. They will no longer be able to breathe via their guard hairs as a result.

A long-haired dachshund’s danger of sunburn and hyperthermia will also increase if it is shaved. Sun and UV rays are reflected by the guard hairs, or the top layer of their coat. The sun’s heat and its damaging beams easily penetrate their skin after they have been shaved.

A long-haired dachshund will also become filthy more quickly after shaving because there won’t be any guard hairs to trap dirt and debris.

Furthermore, because the guard hairs won’t function as a barrier to resist water when it rains, they will become moist more quickly. Consequently, a dachshund with long, shaved hair would become exceedingly cold when wet.

The quality of a long-haired dachshund’s fur can also change after shaving. It can reappear with a drab, coarser coat instead of a lush, lustrous, and healthful one.

Brushing a Long-Haired Dachshund

Long-haired dachshunds should get daily, or every other day, brushings since their lengthy fur is susceptible to tangling.

The owners of long-haired dachshunds can begin by using a smoother brush to remove matting and knots before switching to a bristle brush to make their dog’s coat glossy and silky.

Some owners prefer to give their long-haired dachshunds a voluminous appearance rather than a sleek one by using a pin brush in place of a bristle brush.

Bathing a Long-Haired Dachshund

A long-haired dachshund should take a bath every three months or so. Avoid overwashing your dachshund as this can result in itchy, crusty, and sensitive skin.

A dog’s natural oils are removed from their skin when it is overwashed, which can also result in a lackluster coat. You should us e a mild dog shampoo and lukewarm water to give a long-haired dachshund a wash.

A long-haired dachshund should only avoid getting a bath if their fur gets matted. Dogs’ coat knots can constrict when they are immersed in water, which will make your dachshund very uncomfortable, and could potentially cause them pain. 

So, before giving them a bath, remember that their coat must be completely free of mats and tangles!

Long-Haired Dachshunds vs. Other Dachshund Breeds

Now that you know a lot more about long-haired dachshunds after reading this article, we will now take the time to compare certain aspects of these dogs to other popular variants of dachshunds. 

In the next section, we will be comparing long-haired dachshunds to short-hair dachshunds and miniature dachshunds.

The Temperaments of Dachshunds

As we mentioned earlier, long-haired dachshunds can be extremely friendly and loving, especially to those who they are closest to (e.g., their owners). While they can get aggressive to strangers, they are typically very loving and nice to others.

In comparison, short-haired dachshunds are a lot more standoffish. They can be extremely stubborn – a lot more than a long-haired dachshund – and tend to form a bond with just one person, rather than a whole family. This is usually their main caregiver.

Miniature dachshunds can also be friendly, yet stubborn, but they tend to make a lot more noise. They like to bark more than the previously mentioned variations. 

The Size of Dachshunds

Short-haired and long-haired dachshunds commonly attain a shoulder height of 8 to 9 inches (20 to 22 centimeters), which is actually the same for both breeds.

As implied by their name, little dachshunds are much smaller. These dogs typically range in size from 5 to 7 inches (13 cm to 18 cm) at the shoulder.

The Coat Type of Dachshunds

As their name implies, long-haired dachshunds are distinguished by their luxurious, long coats, whilst short-haired dachshunds have shorter, smoother coats.

A small dachshund’s coat will vary depending on the sort of coat it possesses. In comparison to a little short-haired dachshund, a miniature long-haired dachshund will have a longer, softer coat.

Final Thoughts

Overall, long-haired dachshunds are ideal pets to have in your home, whether you live alone and are looking for some companionship, or you have a large family with children.

These dogs can be great guard dogs, but on the flip side, they can get very territorial of their homes. This can, sometimes, cause them to become aggressive with strangers, and they may bark a lot more than other dog breeds.

Grooming is a very important aspect to think about while being the owner of a long-haired dachshund, due to their long, thick coats of fur. To avoid knots and tangles, you will need to brush your pet, at least, 4 times a week. It would be preferred to brush them daily.

Long-haired dachshunds are so cute and fluffy, no matter which coat color and pattern you decide to go for. The most expensive variants can go for up to $7,000, but at an average, a long-haired dachshund puppy will sell for around $5,000.

So, if you are looking for a loyal, friendly furry friend to keep you company at home, you should definitely consider getting your own long-haired dachshund. They make great companions, and may just become your new best friend for life.

We hope you found this guide helpful and informative.

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