STOP Puppy Biting With These 7 Rules For Training

Dog Training
Puppy biting is a pretty common challenge for a new puppy owner. Puppy biting can actually be stopped a lot more easily than most people realize. It’s important that before you focus on the actual training through the nuisance behavior, that you are realizing all of the things that you’re doing that are giving your puppy opportunities to make these bad choices. You’ll be able to stop puppy biting sooner if you follow these 7 rules for puppy training!

Check out this private lesson that we did specifically for puppy biting with an adorable and energetic puppy named Penny:

BRAND NEW! We Now Have A Puppy Essentials Training Program Online! Train With Us To Make Your Puppy Training More Enjoyable And To Give Your Puppy The Best Start Possible: https://www.McCannDogs.Link/PuppyEssentials

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Thanks for watching,
Happy Training! ~Ken

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