Training with Classical and Operant Conditioning

Dog Training

Today is all about the video!

I did a Facebook live yesterday on teaching with both classical and operant conditioning – both are valuable!
Trainers tend to think in terms of operant conditioning – an “if/then” statement where the dog recognizes how their choice leads to a result; either a reinforcer or maybe a punisher.  But classical conditioning is also extremely powerful, low stress and…effective! Not only for conditioning emotions but for actually teaching behaviors as well.

Here’s a video with subtitles that illustrates the difference between the two:

If you’re intrigued and want to learn more then check out this Facebook Live as well:

Side note:  If you’re in my Personal Play workshop at FDSA, videos and comments are due June 13th at noon. You can still register if you’d like to learn more about this topic; the cost is $29.95 for an auditing spot and you are welcome to ask questions! Learn more at the link:

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