Can Dogs Eat Kiwi? Is Kiwi Good For Dogs? Here Are 10 benefits Of Kiwi!

Dog Food

Kiwi fruit have a delicious, sour flavor and are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

But some dog owners are concerned that the fruit is toxic to dogs. Can dogs eat kiwi?

Table of Contents

Can Dogs Eat Kiwi?

Yes, it is true! Kiwi is a fruit and the dogs love to eat it.

However, the food items that you give to your dog should not be poisonous for the dog.

It actually has many health benefits for your dog and is a great snack to introduce into their diet.

This guide will be covering why Kiwi’s are good for your dog’s diet and what are the specific benefits they will receive from consuming it.

We will also be covering whether all Kiwis are ok for your dog. Find out more right here!

Can They Eat Kiwi?

Yes, they are able to eat Kiwi and it is actually really good for them giving them many health benefits.

However, even though it is good for your dog, you should not need to feed it to them very often and in large quantities.

They are so much better for your pet when they are fed in little bits and not everyday so they can digest better and their stomach can get used to the new food.

Is It Safe?

Yes, it is safe for your dog to eat in small quantities but you shouldn’t be feeding your dog the peel because they might have an allergic reaction to it.

You should be watching out for signs that it is not agreeing with them early on because you need to stop giving it to them if they start throwing it up or aren’t acting themselves after eating it.

Your vet is a great person to speak to about feeding your dog certain types of food because they will have a better understanding of what will be safe for them and beneficial.

You also need to understand the risks which are involved – especially for smaller dogs.

If you are not serving this food or introducing it correctly, it can give a few risks which you need to be aware of.

It is also really important that you know about the signs you need to look out for in terms of reactions and upset tummies because it can just turn into something more serious and could cost you a lot of money at the vets.

Therefore, this guide should give you a clear understanding of what you need to do with the Kiwi.

10 Different Benefits

There are many different benefits for your dog when it comes to them eating Kiwi.

This includes health benefits for your pet which will be listed down below.

Extra vitamins and nutrients – Vitamins are important parts of a healthy diet.

They provide energy and nutrients, and protect us against diseases.

With more than a hundred varieties of vitamins, it’s easy to understand how many benefits they give them.

The benefits of vitamins can be astounding, and it’s important to make sure they are getting enough of them.

Their regular dog food might not have as much of that good stuff that your dog needs for their health which is why you need to add some bits in yourself.

High In Calcium

Calcium is a nutrient that we often take for granted. It helps maintain healthy bones and teeth, and is necessary for normal muscle function and nerve function.

Calcium can be a tricky mineral to get the recommended daily allowance of for any being.

The good news is that in most dogs the body will absorb the calcium from what they eat, so you don’t need to worry about giving them supplements because you are able to feed them more food like Kiwi.


Potassium is an essential nutrient, and it is found in many foods.

It is important to get enough of this mineral, and it often gets overlooked.

Can Dogs Eat Kiwi? Is Kiwi Good For Dogs? Here are 10 benefits of Kiwi! (2300)

The foods your dog eats have a direct impact on your health.

Potassium is a mineral that your body needs in order to function properly and it is the same for your pet which is why they need more.


Fiber is a type of carbohydrate found in foods that are not broken down by the digestive system.

Although fiber is not a macronutrient, it affects the way foods are digested and absorbed.

High fiber foods have been linked to a lower risk of obesity, heart disease, and memory loss which is the same for your pet and is one of the most important benefits.

Therefore, this is why Kiwi is a great addition to your pets diet in small quantities.


Lutein is a nutrient in green leafy vegetables. It is a powerful antioxidant protein that is found in food and something which is beneficial for their health.

Lutein is a nutrient found in many foods, such as green leafy vegetables, dark chocolate, and orange juice and of course Kiwi.

It protects the eye against damage from oxidative stress and may help prevent vision loss.

Beta Carotene

Beta carotene is an antioxidant that is produced in the body, and is found in fruits and vegetables.

It is also used to produce vitamin A in the body. Beta carotene is a type of carotenoid pigment that gives fruits and vegetables their yellow, orange, and red colors.

Beta carotene may be found in some plant-based sources, including carrots, pumpkins, squash, and sweet potatoes as well.

High Water Content

Kiwis have one of the highest water content of any fruit in the world.

This makes them good for low-carbohydrate dieters and a great substitute for your dog if they could do with a bit more water in their life.

If you notice that your dog does not drink much water, it is ideal to introduce food which has high water content into their diet to help them out.

Digestive Enzymes

Digestive enzymes are the most abundant enzymes in the body and are responsible for breaking down nutrients and protein into usable forms of energy.

The mechanisms of digestion involve complex processes involving multiple organs, enzymes, and other chemicals.

These play a vital role in ensuring the proper absorption of nutrients, as well as their proper excretion.

Enzymes are proteins that are produced in our bodies to help break down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats for us to absorb.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is essential for the formation of certain proteins in the blood, preventing their breakdown and preventing the bleeding that can occur during surgery.

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that is required for the production of the coagulation proteins that are involved in the formation of blood clots.

Vitamin K, or phylloquinone, is a fat-soluble vitamin that is important for bone health.

It is not a vitamin, but a fat-soluble vitamin complex found in leafy green vegetables and certain types of cheese and Kiwis.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the most abundant and important vitamins in the world.

It has been ascribed many functions, including immune system support, tissue growth, healthy skin and teeth, and more.

Vitamin C is an essential vitamin that helps support the immune system, build and repair tissue, and fight infection.

It also supports normal metabolism, maintains healthy skin and hair, and supports healthy teeth and gums.

Risks Involved

There are several risks involved in feeding your dogs Kiwis because of the seeds and the peel which you need to be aware of.

When they are eaten in large amounts, both the peel and the seeds can be quite toxic for your pet and can cause them some discomfort.

You should be removing the seeds before giving it to your pet as they include toxins.

The skin of the Kiwi is something that should also always be removed because it does not digest properly.

The skin will also be really tough for the dog to chew and would be really hard for them to swallow.

If you feed it to a smaller dog, it could even cause them to start choking which can be extremely dangerous.

You also need to make sure that you are either making it mushy for them and mixing it in with their other food, or chop it up into small pieces so it is easier for them to eat.

You need to look out for the symptoms they are showing if it is not agreeing with them.

For example: vomiting, lethargy, lack of appetite and diarrhea.


Constipation is an uncomfortable feeling of sluggish bowels and solid stool.

This is caused due to a malfunctioning of the digestive system which can be a negative side effect if your dog is not reacting well to Kiwi.

Can Dogs Eat Kiwi? Is Kiwi Good For Dogs? Here are 10 benefits of Kiwi! (2300)


Obese dogs and cats have a higher risk of joint and bone problems, as well as a higher risk of cancer.

Obesity in pets has become an increasing concern, especially as obesity rates in humans continue to rise.

This is the reason why you need to be careful how much Kiwi you are feeding your pet.

This is because of the excessive sugar they will be consuming.

How To Introduce Kiwi Into Your Dog’s Diet?

There are certain things you can do to introduce different types of food into your dogs diet properly and here are a few ways you can do this.

Small Quantities

it is definitely best to make sure you are only giving them small amounts when introducing it into their diet.

Their body needs to get used to the new food and it needs to settle well before you start increasing it slightly.

It all has to be gradual to fit in with their digestive system because they need to get used to all of the new nutrients being put into their body.

For Kiwi’s in particular, they can be toxic for your dog in large quantities due to the seeds inside of the fruit which is another reason for the smaller quantities.

Allergic Reaction

It can be common for certain dogs to get allergic reactions to different types of food which is exactly the same for humans.

You need to be aware that this can happen and look for the signs which are listed higher up in this article.

You need to be especially aware of any type of swelling which occurs or difficulty breathing because this can cause great discomfort for your dog.

Stomach Problems

You also need to be aware if they are having any stomach problems because they have eaten this fruit.

They could start to struggle being constipated or start eating less.

A loss of appetite can be common in this case as you need to be looking out for this because it can start to affect different areas of concern.

If this type of behavior lasts for more than two days, then you should be taking them to the vets because it can become something quite serious.

What Type Of Kiwi Should You Be Feeding Them?

You should always be making sure that you are feeding them a nice ripe Kiwi.

The reason for this is because they are in the best shape at this point.

It will also be a much nicer treat for your pet because it is nice and juicy with a high water content.

However, you should not be feeding your dog a Kiwi which is too squishy with any mold on it because it can be really damaging to your pet, depending on how much they eat.

You need to make sure the Kiwi is not overly ripe where it is at the stage like mush because this will not be very nice for your pet and could make them a bit sick if it is out of date.


Overall, Kiwi is a good fruit to feed to your pet, but you need to be aware of the risks that come with it.

Most people try to integrate some kind of nutrient fruit into their pets diet, but they might not know all the facts and tips to make it safe for them.

The most important thing is not to feed them too much Kiwi because it has a vast amount of issues such as obesity from the sugar content and the toxicity from the seeds.

You should also avoid feeding them any of the skin because this can also be quite dangerous for your pet – especially if they are a smaller breed.

Hopefully this guide has provided you with enough information to determine whether you want to feed your pet Kiwi or not and whether the health benefits outweigh the risks.

There are many benefits for your dog which is shown listed above, but it all depends on learning how to feed them certain types of food in a way which will not become a risk.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much kiwi Can I Give My Dog?

You shouldn’t be feeding your dog too much Kiwi at one time because it can make them a bit sick like any other food.

It is very good as a snack or to introduce into your pets diet bit by bit.

However, when you introduce any new food into your dog’s diet, you need to do it in smaller pieces so they can get used to it.

Can Dogs Have Kiwi Seeds?

Dogs and cats can eat kiwi seeds, but some dogs can be allergic to them.

However, as long as kiwi seeds are not over-indulged, they are safe for your pet.

You should not be feeding them in large quantities because they will not be able to digest them properly.

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