250 Game of Thrones Inspired Dog Names

Dog Lifestyle
Game of Thrones Inspired Dog Names

Do you watch Game of Thrones? If so you’re certainly not alone. I’m a big fan of the series, and more than 17 million people tuned in to watch the season 8 premiere on HBO.

If you’re a fan of Game of Thrones you might be inspired to name your dog after one of the characters, and if that’s the case this list is for you. Whether you’re a fan of House Stark or House Targaryen, this list has you covered. I’m a bit partial to Arya, Syrio and Theon, but there’s so many great sounding names & characters to choose from.

I’ve put together a list of 250 of the most popular Game of Thrones characters (these names are a combination from both the books and the show) to help narrow down the search a fitting name for your new dog. Here’s 250 Game of Thrones inspired dog names.

Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you. – Tyrion Lannister

Addam Aegon
Aemon Aeron
Aerys Aggar
Aggo Allard
Alliser Alyce
Alys Andrik
Anguy Anya
Areo Armen
Arron Arya
Baela Balon
Belicho Benjen
Beric Biter
Blackfish Boros
Bowen Bran
Brandon Brienne
Bronn Brynden
Catelyn Cedric
Cersei Coldhands
Crane Craster
Daario Daenerys
Dagmer Dagos
Dany Davos
Daxos Dickon
Donel Dontos
Doran Doreah
Drogo Drogon
Dunaver Edd
Eddard Eddison
Edmure Edric
Edwyn Eggon
Egon Elia
Ellaria Euron
Gendry Gerold
Ghost Giantsbane
Gilly Godric
Gregor Grenn
Grey Wind Grey Worm
Harwood Harys
Hizdahr Hodor
Hoster Hot Pie
Hound Howland
Illyrio Ilyn
Irri Jaehaerys
Jamis Janos
Jaqen Jeor
Jeyne Jhaqo
Joffrey Jojen
Jon Jorah
Jorelle Jory
Karl Karlon
Karsi Kevan
Khal Khaleesi
Khrazz Kovarro
Kraznys Lady
Lancel Larys
Leaf Lem
Lewyn Littlefinger
Locke Lommy
Loras Lothar
Luwin Lyanna
Lynesse Lysa
Mace Maggy
Mance Mandon
Margery Maris
Maron Matthos
Meera Melisandre
Mero Meryn
Mirri Missandei
Mordane Moro
Morros Mycah
Myranda Myrcella
Nan Ned
Nestor Nymeria
Obara Oberyn
Olenna Olly
Olyvar Orell
Osha Osmund
Othell Otho
Pate Petyr
Pia Podrick
Polliver Pyat
Pycelle Pyp
Pypar Qhono
Qhorin Qotho
Quaithe Quentyn
Qyburn Ragnor
Rakharo Ramsay
Randyll Rast
Rattleshirt Raven
Raven Ray
Rayder Razdal
Reek Renly
Rhaegal Rhaegon
Rhaena Rickard
Rickon Robb
Robert Robett
Robin Rodrik
Roland Roose
Rorge Ros
Royce Salladhor
Samwell Sandor
Sansa Sarella
Selmy Selyse
Shae Shagga
Shaggydog Shagwell
Shireen Smalljon
Sparrow Spider
Stannis Steffon
Summer Syrio
Talisa Theon
Thorne Thoros
Tommen Tormund
Tristan Trystane
Tyene Tyrek
Tyrion Tywin
Ulf Unella
Varys Viper
Viserion Viserys
Waif Walda
Walder Whalen
Will Willow
Wolkan Wun Wun
Wylla Xaro
Yara Ygritte
Yoren Zollo

Didn’t find the Game of Thrones inspired name you were hoping for? Well no worries, check out this comprehensive list of characters from the books if you’re looking for more even Game of Thrones dog name ideas.

Looking For More Dog Name Ideas?

If you’re looking for more dog name ideas be sure to check out the following lists for inspiration:

Game of Thrones Inspired Dog Names

Please share with your friends 🙂

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