Make a Difference With National Education for Assistance Dog Services

Dog Training
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A dog is not just a man’s best friend. They are also heroes who bring humans comfort, security, and companionship. 

The National Education for Assistance Dog Services is an organization where hero dogs are created to assist people with disabilities, from hearing difficulty to mobility issues and developmental disorders.

Discover who National Education for Assistance Dog Services is. You’ll also learn how they started, what they do, and what you can do to help these service dogs.

National Education for Assistance Dog Services Charity

Who is National Education for Assistance Dog Services?

National Education for Assistance Dog Services or NEADS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that has trained over 1,900 Service Dog teams since its founding. 

Its three main pillars for world-class service dogs are purpose breeding, healthcare, and training. 

Formerly known as National Education for Assistance Dog Services and Dogs for Deaf and Disabled Americans, the rebranded name aims to be more inclusive and be recognized worldwide. 

They raise and train dogs to provide independence to people who are deaf or have other disabilities. They also help develop confidence among veterans with PTSD. 

NEADS helps children with autism or other developmental disabilities be socialized while providing therapeutic assistance in classrooms, hospitals, and other facilities. 

The best part about this organization is that it also ensures the health and safety of dogs. They are trained using humane methods to be people-oriented, sociable, well-mannered, and friendly.

The organization is based in Princeton, Massachusetts, and receives limited federal government funding. It mainly relies on foundations, individuals, and corporations’ support.

NEADS is also funded by service organizations, endowments, and workplace campaigns. 

How National Education for Assistance Dog Services Started

The National Education for Assistance Dog Service’s legacy started in 1976 when students at Holliston Junior College confirmed that dogs can be trained to be “ears” for people experiencing deafness or hearing difficulties. 

In only a decade, the team has trained more than 400 dogs. Their program has expanded to include service dogs for other disabilities. It has also trained the first service dog on the East Coast.

Their current training school was built in 1992 in Massachusetts. In 1998, the organization established The prison PUP Program, where inmates trained NEADS Service Dog puppies more efficiently to serve more clients. 

In 2015, NEADS opened the Kathy Foreman Client House & Training Center. It’s a fully accessible living quarters and a training facility that is more comfortable. 

They also opened a Canine Center in 2018 to minimize stress on the dogs and their environment. 

Read this letter from NEADS CEO.

What Does National Education for Assistance Dog Services Do?

National Education for Assistance Dog Services gives dogs a purpose and humans freedom. It ensures that every dog reaches their full potential to be people-oriented, friendly, and able to work in all environments.

NEADS trains service and assistance dogs for a wide range of needs, including:

  • Service Dogs for hearing
  • Service Dogs for Veterans
  • Service Dogs for adults and children with physical disabilities
  • Service Dogs for children with autism or other developmental disabilities
  • Assistance Dogs for classroom, hospital, courthouse, ministry and therapeutic settings.

Their World Class Service Dogs Program is based on purpose breeding, healthcare, and training.

Purpose breeding allows the experts to control the dogs’ health, temperament, and overall suitability for the job. 

It also allows them to properly socialize the dogs to different people, sounds, and objects before professional training.

But don’t worry. NEADS also has programs for shelter and rescue dogs because these furry friends deserve a second chance at life. 

They work with high-energy dogs who are alert and attentive enough to attend to the needs of humans.

While ensuring healthcare, NEADS’ dogs are also trained to behave obediently. They acquire their Service Dog Title through positive reinforcement and transparent leadership. 

If you want to apply for a service dog, answer the pre-qualifying questionnaire and submit a complete application

The organization will review your submission and give you a call to inform you if they meet their screening criteria. 

How Can You Help National Education for Assistance Dog Services?

The National Education for Assistance Dogs appreciates everyone who shares their hard work. Spread the word about their good deeds to your friends and on Facebook.

You can also follow them on other platforms such as Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.

NEADS also seeks volunteers who can help with the workload of the organization. You can apply as any of the following:

  • Breeder caretaker: hosts breeder dogs in homes, then returns the dogs to campus.
  • Full-time puppy raiser: opens their home to service dogs, looking after them 24/7.
  • Weekend puppy raiser: takes the puppy out of prison every weekend for socialization.

Other volunteering opportunities include transport volunteers and sitters. 

You can also volunteer onsite to help with daily operations, manage puppy play time, maintenance, seasonal projects, and administrative opportunities. 

NEADS also accepts donations from individuals, foundations, and corporations. Make a one-time donation or join the Sustainers Circle for a monthly donation. 

Your donation will help the organization continue breeding, raising, and training the best service dogs. 

Help NEADS Empower People Now

Many organizations pride themselves in giving dogs a sense of purpose as they make individuals’ lives more comfortable and secure. The National Education for Dog Services is one of them.

Be part of their growing community by volunteering. You can also donate to the organization, attend events, and spread the word about them. Check out their Facebook page for the latest updates. 

Check out some other animal charities we love in our Animal Charity Spotlight series to help more animals and people in need.

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