5 Useful Tips To Help Your New Pup Sleep Through The Night

Dog Training, New Puppy Advice

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Are you worried that your dog spends a lot of time sleeping? Don’t be! Puppies usually sleep around 15 to 20 hours per day, and at around 16 months, they learn to sleep throughout the night. Similar to how it is with humans, your dog may become irritable if they don’t get enough sleep. They may have a stronger tendency to nip and bark.

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If a new puppy you bring home has trouble sleeping through the night, don’t panic. Both young pups and senior dogs find the first night in a new home difficult. Since every dog is unique, they will all react differently to training methods. Here are a few tips to ensure they sleep through the night.

Early Drinks And Dinner

Tip 1: Early Drinks and Dinner

Limit your puppy’s food and drink intake several hours before bedtime. The likelihood that your puppy will need to go potty in the middle of the night is higher if you feed or let them drink just right before bed. As an alternative, try to give your puppy food and drinks a few hours before bedtime so you don’t have to get up for pee breaks late at night. You are not depriving your dog of water. It shouldn’t be an issue if they have been drinking throughout the day and are properly hydrated.

Crate Training

Tip 2: Crate Training

Crate training helps give dogs a quiet and safe sleeping space. When a puppy gets used to being in a crate, they will typically do well there. Due to the fact that most puppies are reluctant to urinate or defecate where they sleep, crate training can also help with housebreaking. In order to get the most out of housebreaking, pick a crate that is the right size. Add a comfortable bed once you’ve ordered a crate. Bedding that cannot be readily chewed up or ruined should be chosen because puppies can be destructive. In order to lessen separation anxiety, some dog owners decide to put the dog box close to their bed.

Consistent Routine

Tip 3: Consistent Routine

Dogs love routines, and once they establish one, it can be difficult to break it. Establish a feeding, exercise, and play schedule that will motivate them to stay awake more of the day in order to feel more sleepy at night. Consider how your routine will affect theirs. Your dog will take longer to adapt if you insist on throwing loud house parties all night long while they are still getting used to their new home.

Prepare For Potty Breaks

Tip 4: Prepare for Potty Breaks

Take your puppy outside as the final step in your evening routine. Sending your pooch to bed with an empty bladder will lower the chances of overnight accidents and give you more time to sleep before your pup needs to go potty. When taking your dog outdoors at night, do so calmly and let them out to relieve themselves, then quickly bring them back inside to sleep in their crate.

Plenty Of Exercise

Tip 5: Plenty of Exercise

Do you sleep better when you’re tired? Dogs are like that too! Consider exhausting them in the late afternoon or early evening with plenty of mentally challenging, energizing activities if they have trouble falling asleep at night. Long walks, lengthy playtime, and other forms of mental and physical exercise might help your puppy get rid of some of their excess energy and get them ready for a good night’s sleep. Your puppy should ideally be active for most of the day, apart from when they take much-needed naps. If you work in an office, this could be difficult, but it’s the ideal thing to do. But if you can’t keep your puppy busy all day, it’s best to concentrate on giving them lots of playtime right before bed.

And there you have it! Do you have any more tips to add?

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