Month: September 2022

Chondroitin is commonly used to help dogs with hip and joint issues, including canine arthritis and hip dysplasia. You can find it along with glucosamine in many hip and joint supplements, as well as in some dog food targeted at senior dogs. But what are the benefits of chondroitin for dogs, and are there any
Enrollment for the Service Dog Training Program opens on October 1st!  Valencia, CA— Tuesday, September 20, 2022 — On their website, Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, and Twitter pages, Animal Behavior College announced the launch of their new program, the Service Dog Trainer Program.   As a vocational school specializing in certifications and careers in the animal
Everyone loves puppies, but all dogs will grow, mature, and reach their full size at some point. The question is, when do dogs stop growing? And just how big will your dog get?  The short answer is that most dogs will stop growing between the ages of 6 to 18 months. However, this figure can
Bacon, the tasty, crunchy snack that humans and dogs alike just can’t get enough of! Though eating it plain is great in and of itself, you may be looking for ways to treat your pup every now and then, and boring old dog biscuits just aren’t going to cut it. If that’s the case, you’re
🎥 PREVIOUS VIDEO: 🔥 Stay tuned in our Community: For thousands of years, humans have been tinkering with the health of dogs. From pointy-eared, sharp-faced wolf-like ancestors, we’ve shaped generations of canines into distinct breeds with unique features such as flat faces, stumpy legs, and long silken hair. But all that low-tech genetic
Pawfect Pumpkin Spice Spookies (Halloween Dog Cookies) Wheat-free, dairy-free and grain-free Halloween treats for dogs. Uses natural ingredients and herbs to make orange cookies with spooky dark carob icing. Type: Dog Treat Cuisine: Dog Cookie Keywords: dog treat, Halloween Dog Cookies, Halloween dog treat Recipe Yield: 12 cookies Preparation Time: PT10M Cooking Time: PT1H Total
Making plans well in advance for evacuating with pets during a disaster prevents tragedy, says AVMA President Dr. Lori Teller. Planning includes getting pets microchipped and registering contact information, identifying pet-friendly hotels and shelters, preparing a kit to hold food and gear, learning animal first aid and assembling a first-aid kit, and crate training pets.